Install the requirements by opening powershell or command line in the project folder and run
pip install -r requirements.txt
The command prompt will show you the link to the server, open the link on your mobile phone or tablet and it will automatically connect to your laptop and you are ready to use your phone as a touchpad, you can use the blue input box to use the keyboard.
Incase your ip-address is
Your server is up and running at
- Move your fingers generally on your phone to use the mouse directly like in a touchpad.
- Double tap and move your finger to drag with left click of mouse. [This feature works properly but you will find it difficult to do it, you may drag sometimes unknowningly but when you try to drag purposefully you may find it difficult to do so, I am not sure why, I will try to perfect it]
- Use your two fingers to scroll like how you do usually in touchpad.
- Use your three fingers to switch between tabs like usual.
- The mouse sensitivity may be more than your touchpad, the Three finger gesture senstivity is also more than your touchpad, will make mechanism to reduce it or increase it later.
- Type in the blue input box to type, erase button of your phone keyboard for backspace and enter button of your phone keyboard to enter on your pc.
- All your Phone keyboard's features like autocorrect, keyboard suggestions, auto capitalization, punctuations etc. are coupled with this, so the text you enter there would appear exactly as it is on your pc.
Note: I will be completely removing dependency on PyAutoGUI soon