Book Reader is a mobile application developed using the Flutter framework, designed to provide users with access to a vast collection of books available through the Google Books API.
- Users can create an account or log in to their existing accounts to access personalized features.
- Search for books using keywords, titles, authors, or categories.
- View detailed information about each book, including its cover image, title, author(s), publisher, publication date, and description.
- Save books for future reference.
- Seamless integration with Google Books API for up-to-date book information.
- Read book previews.
- Simple and intuitive user interface.
- Launch the app.
- Log in or sign up for an account.
- Explore books on the home screen.
- Tap on a book to view its details.
- Use the search screen to find specific books.
- Save your favorite books by clicking the "bookmark" icon.
- Customize app settings as desired.
- Flutter: a powerful and flexible framework for building beautiful and performant user interfaces across multiple platforms.
- Dart: the programming language used in combination with Flutter to create the logic and functionality of the Notes App.
- Google Books API: Provides access to a vast collection of book data.
- Git: version control system for tracking changes and collaborating with others.
Disclaimer: This application is for educational purposes and does not intend to infringe on any copyrights. All book information is sourced from the Google Books API.