Sing me a song is an API for anomalous music recommendation. The more people like a recommendation, the greater the chance that it will be recommended to others 🙂 .
POST /recommendations
"name": String, required,
"youtubeLink": String, must be a valid youtube link, required,
200: 'OK';
400: 'The request body contains invalid elements';
201: 'Successfully created!';
409: 'Link already registered';
500: 'Server Error'
POST /recommendations/:id/upvote
400: 'Id is invalid';
200: 'Successfully updated! +1';
404: 'Recommendation not found';
500: 'Server Error'
POST /recommendations/:id/downvote
400: 'Id is invalid';
200: 'Successfully updated! -1';
404: 'Recommendation not found';
500: 'Server Error'
GET recommendations/random
400: 'Id is invalid';
200: 'Object with expected body'
404: 'No recommendations yet';
500: 'Server Error'
GET recommendations/top/:amount
"id": 1,
"name": "Chitãozinho E Xororó - Evidências",
"youtubeLink": "",
"score": 250
"id": 2,
"name": "Chitãozinho E Xororó ft. Marília Mendonça - Página de Amigos",
"youtubeLink": "",
"score": 220
"id": 3,
"name": "Chitãozinho E Xororó - Fio de Cabelo",
"youtubeLink": "",
"score": 200
400: 'Invalid amount';
200: 'Object with expected body'
404: 'No recommendations yet';
500: 'Server Error'
Before you begin, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine: Git, Node.js, VSCode.
// Install the dependencies
$ npm install
// Create a file and fill it using your environment variables following the .env.example
// Run the application in development mode
$ ntl -> start:dev
// The server will start at port: 5000
## Tech Stack
The following tools were used in the construction of the project-api:
**Server** ([NodeJS](
- **[Express](**
- **[CORS](**
- **[Pg](**
- **[DotENV](**
- **[Joi](**
- **[Jest](**
- **And others...**
- Editor: **[Visual Studio Code](**
- API Test: **[Insomnia](**
## How to contribute
1. Fork the project.
2. Create a new branch with your changes: `git checkout -b feat/myFeatureName`
3. For each feature implemented, make a commit specifying what was done
4. Submit your changes: `git push -u origin feat/myFeatureName`