- Add default attributes to basic factory.
- Feat/link regexp.
- Fix paste block text in words apply same style.
- Fix paste text mess up style.
- Add support copy/cut block text.
- Allow for custom context menu.
- Add flutter_quill.delta library which only exposes Delta datatype.
- Fix errors when the editor is used in the
- Fix around image can't delete line break.
- Add support for copy/cut select image and text together.
- Add affinity for localPosition.
- LINE._getPlainText queryChild inclusive=false.
- Add toPlainText method to
- Add custom button widget in toolbar.
- Fix language code of Japan.
- Style custom toolbar buttons like builtins.
- Always use text cursor for editor on desktop.
- Fixed keepStyleOnNewLine.
- Get pixel ratio from view.
- Prevent operations on stale editor state.
- Add support for android keyboard content insertion.
- Enhance color picker, enter hex color and color palette option.
- Checkboxes, bullet points, and number points are now scaled based on the default paragraph font size.
- Pass linestyle to embedded block.
- Fix Rtl leading alignment problem.
- Support flutter latest version.
- Updates
to version 9.0.0 to benefit from AGP 8 (see changelog#900).
- Fixed subscript key from 'sup' to 'sub'.
- Fixed a bug introduced in 7.1.7 where each section in
was displayed on its own line.
- Add indents change for multiline selection.
- Add custom recognizer.
- Add superscript and subscript styles.
- Add inserting indents for lines of list if text is selected.
- Image embedding tweaks
- Add MediaButton which is intened to superseed the ImageButton and VideoButton. Only image selection is working.
- Implement image insert for web (image as base64)
- Editor tweaks PR from bambinoua.
- Shortcuts now working in Mac OS
- QuillDialogTheme is extended with new properties buttonStyle, linkDialogConstraints, imageDialogConstraints, isWrappable, runSpacing,
- Added LinkStyleButton2 with new LinkStyleDialog (similar to Quill implementation
- Conditinally use Row or Wrap for dialog's children.
- Update minimum Dart SDK version to 2.17.0 to use enum extensions.
- Use merging shortcuts and actions correclty (if the key combination is the same)
- Dropdown tweaks
- Add itemHeight, itemPadding, defaultItemColor for customization of dropdown items.
- Remove alignment property as useless.
- Fix bugs with max width when width property is null.
- Toolbar tweaks.
- Implement tooltips for embed CameraButton, VideoButton, FormulaButton, ImageButton.
- Extends customization for SelectAlignmentButton, QuillFontFamilyButton, QuillFontSizeButton adding padding, text style, alignment, width.
- Add renderFontFamilies to QuillFontFamilyButton to show font faces in dropdown.
- Add AxisDivider and its named constructors for for use in parent project.
- Export ToolbarButtons enum to allow specify tooltips for SelectAlignmentButton.
- Export QuillFontFamilyButton, SearchButton as they were not exported before.
- Deprecate items property in QuillFontFamilyButton, QuillFontSizeButton as the it can be built usinr rawItemsMap.
- Make onSelection QuillFontFamilyButton, QuillFontSizeButton omittable as no need to execute callback outside if controller is passed to widget.
Now the package is more friendly for web projects.
- Add enableUnfocusOnTapOutside field to RawEditor and Editor widgets.
- Add tooltips for toolbar buttons.
- Fix inserting tab character in lists.
- Fix ios cursor bug when word.length==1.
- Fix non scrollable editor exception, when tapped under content.
- customLinkPrefixes parameter - makes possible to open links with custom protoco.
- Fix ordered list numeration with several lists in document.
- Use const constructor for EmbedBuilder.
- Fix IME position bug with scroller.
- Add TextFieldTapRegion for contextMenu.
- Fix line style loss on new line from non string.
- Fix IME position bug for Mac and Windows.
- Unfocus when tap outside editor. fix the bug that cant refocus in afterButtonPressed after click ToggleStyleButton on Mac.
- Have text selection span full line height for uneven sized text.
- Fix ordered list numeration for lists with more than one level of list.
- Allow widgets to override widget span properties.
- Update i18n_extension dependency to version 8.0.0.
- Breaking change: Tuples are no longer used. They have been replaced with a number of data classes.
- Increased compatibility with Flutter widget tests.
- Update dependencies (collection: 1.17.0, flutter_keyboard_visibility: 5.4.0, quiver: 3.2.1, tuple: 2.0.1, url_launcher: 6.1.9, characters: 1.2.1, i18n_extension: 7.0.0, device_info_plus: 8.1.0)
- Replace
- Control the detect word boundary behaviour.
- Use
to make the toolbar vertical. - Use
to align the toolbar icons on the cross axis. - Breaking change:
's parametertoolbarHeight
was renamed totoolbarSize
- Ability to add custom shortcuts.
- Update clipboard status prior to showing selected text overlay.
- Fixed handling of mac intents.
- Added
to QuillEditor. - Fix error style when input chinese japanese or korean.
- Add color property to the basic factory function.
- Support Flutter 3.7.
- Fix: nextLine getter null where no assertion.
- Revert "Align numerical and bullet lists along with text content".
- Align numerical and bullet lists along with text content.
- Apply i18n for default font dropdown option labels corresponding to 'Clear'.
- Remove iOS hack for delaying focus calculation.
- Delay focus calculation for iOS.
- Bump keyboard show up wait to 1 sec.
- Recalculate focus when showing keyboard.
- Add czech localizations.
- Upgrade i18n_extension to 6.0.0.
- Fix formatting exception.
- Add double quotes validation.
- Revert "fix order list numbering (#988)".
- Add typing shortcuts.
- Fix order list numbering.
- Add keyboard shortcuts for editor actions.
- Upgrade device info plus to ^7.0.0.
- Don't throw showAutocorrectionPromptRect not implemented. The function is called with every keystroke as a user is typing.
- Fixes null pointer when setting documents.
- Make QuillController.document mutable.
- Allow disabling of selection toolbar.
- Revert 6.0.6.
- Fix wrong custom embed key.
- Fixes toolbar buttons stealing focus from editor.
- Bug fix for Type 'Uint8List' not found.
- Add ability to paste images.
- Address Dart Analysis issues.
- Changed translation country code (zh_HK -> zh_hk) to lower case, which is required for i18n_extension used in flutter_quill.
- Add localization in example's main to demonstrate translation.
- Issue [Windows] selection's copy / paste tool bar not shown #861: add selection's copy / paste toolbar, escape to hide toolbar, mouse right click to show toolbar, ctrl-Y / ctrl-Z to undo / redo.
- Image and video displayed in Windows platform caused screen flickering while selecting text, a sample_data_nomedia.json asset is added for Desktop to demonstrate the added features.
- Known issue: keyboard action sometimes causes exception mentioned in Flutter's issue #106475 ([Windows] Keyboard shortcuts stop working after modifier key repeat flutter/flutter#106475).
- Know issue: user needs to click the editor to get focus before toolbar is able to display.
- Removed embed (image, video & formula) blocks from the package to reduce app size.
These blocks have been moved to the package flutter_quill_extensions
, migrate by filling the embedBuilders
and embedButtons
parameters as follows:
import 'package:flutter_quill_extensions/flutter_quill_extensions.dart';
controller: controller,
embedBuilders: FlutterQuillEmbeds.builders(),
controller: controller,
embedButtons: FlutterQuillEmbeds.buttons(),
- Upgrade i18n_extension.
- Update German Translation.
- Added Formula Button (for maths support).
- Add more font family.
- Enable search when text is not empty.
- Added search function.
- Remove default small color.
- Don't wrap the QuillEditor's child in the EditorTextSelectionGestureDetector if selection is disabled.
- Added option to modify SelectHeaderStyleButton options.
- Added option to click again on h1, h2, h3 button to go back to normal.
- Remove tooltip for LinkStyleButton.
- Make link match regex case insensitive.
- Add locale to QuillEditor.basic.
- Fix keyboard pops up when resizing the image.
- Upgrade youtube_player_flutter_quill to 8.2.2.
- Upgrade youtube_player_flutter_quill to 8.2.1.
- Flutter Quill Doesn't Work On iOS 16 or Xcode 14 Betas (Stored properties cannot be marked potentially unavailable with '@available').
- Fix Web Unsupported operation: Platform._operatingSystem error.
- Rename QuillCustomIcon to QuillCustomButton.
- Support font family selection.
- Update README.
- Added CustomBlockEmbed and customElementsEmbedBuilder.
- Upgrade device_info_plus to 4.0.0.
- Added onVideoInit callback for video documents.
- Update dependencies.
- Keep cursor position on checkbox tap.
- Fix static analysis errors.
- Flutter 3.0.0 support.
- Ignore color:inherit and convert double to int for level.
- Add clear option to font size dropdown.
- Refactor font size dropdown.
- Ensure selectionOverlay is available for showToolbar.
- Using properly iconTheme colors.
- Update font size dropdown.
- Convert FontSize to a Map to allow for named Font Size.
- Update quill_dropdown_button.dart.
- Add Font Size dropdown to the toolbar.
- New borderRadius for iconTheme.
- Fix selection handles show/hide after paste, backspace, copy.
- Add full support for hardware keyboards (Chromebook, Android tablets, etc) that don't alter screen UI.
- Added textSelectionControls field in QuillEditor.
- Added Node to linkActionPickerDelegate.
- Add Persian(fa) language.
- Fix cut selection error in multi-node line.
- Fix vertical caret position bug.
- Request keyboard focus when no child is found.
- Fix blank lines do not display when --web-renderer=html.
- Refactor getPlainText (better handling of blank lines and lines with multiple markups.
- Bug fix for copying text with new lines.
- Fixed casting null to Tuple2 when link dialog is dismissed without any input (e.g. barrier dismissed).
- Bug fix for text direction rtl.
- Support text direction rtl.
- Clear toggled style on selection change.
- Fix copy/cut/paste/selectAll not working.
- Upgrade for Flutter 2.10.
- Added Indonesian translation.
- Fix for undoing a modification ending with an indented line.
- iOS: Save image whose filename does not end with image file extension.
- Added Urdu translation.
- Fix for clicking on the Link button without any text on a new line crashes.
- Apply locale to QuillEditor(contents).
- Fix image pasting.
- Hiding dialog after selecting action for image.
- Update ImageResizer for Android.
- Copy image with its style.
- Support resizing image.
- Image menu options for copy/remove.
- Update set textEditingValue.
- Fix checkbox not toggled correctly in toolbar button.
- Fix cursor position changes when checking/unchecking the checkbox.
- Fix _handleDragUpdate in _TextSelectionHandleOverlayState.
- Fix link dialog layout.
- Fix for errors on a non scrollable editor.
- Fix certain keys not working on web when editor is a child of a scroll view.
- Refactor _QuillEditorState to QuillEditorState.
- Support pasting with format.
- Fix selection overlay for collapsed selection.
- Reverted Embed toPlainText change.
- Change Embed toPlainText to be empty string.
- Replace Toolbar showHistory group with individual showRedo and showUndo.
- Update Link dialogue for image/video.
- Link dialogue TextInputType.multiline.
- Bug fix for link button text selection.
- Improve link button.
- Remove SnackBar 'What is entered is not a link'.
- Allow link button to enter text.
- Change link button behavior.
- Bug fix for embed.
- Bug fix for platform util.
- Removed redundant classes.
- Add more translations.
- Preset link from attributes.
- Fix launch link edit mode.
- Placeholder effective in scrollable.
- Option to save image in read-only mode.
- Pass any specified key in QuillEditor constructor to super.
- Fixed Style toggle issue.
- Added new translations.
- Support multiple links insertion on the go.
- Add selection completed callback.
- Fixed image ontap functionality.
- Add maxContentWidth constraint to editor.
- Do not show caret on screen when the editor is not focused.
- Fix launch link for read-only mode.
- Handle null value of Attribute.link.
- Launch link improvements.
- Removed QuillSimpleViewer.
- Skip image when pasting.
- Bug fix for Desktop
- Update checkbox list.
- Desktop selection improvements.
- Improve inline code style.
- Improves selection rects to have consistent height regardless of individual segment text styles.
- Allow disabling floating cursor.
- Preserve last newline character on delete.
- Massive changes to support flutter 2.8.
- iOS - floating cursor.
- Bug fix for imports supporting flutter 2.8.
- Support flutter 2.8.
- Add methods of clearing editor and moving cursor.
- Add delete handler.
- Support custom replaceText handler.
- Fix attribute compare and fix font size parsing.
- Handle click on embed object.
- Improved UX/UI of Image widget.
- When uploading a video, applying indicator.
- Make toolbar dividers optional.
- Allow alignment of the toolbar icons to match WrapAlignment.
- Add hide / show alignment buttons.
- Implement change cursor to SystemMouseCursors.click when hovering a link styled text.
- Enable customize the checkbox widget using DefaultListBlockStyle style.
- Improve the scrolling performance by reducing the repaint areas.
- Fix the selection effect can't be seen as the textLine with background color.
- Fix visibility of text selection handlers on scroll.
- cursorConnt.color notify the text_line to repaint if it was disposed.
- Improve UX when trying to add a link.
- Adding translations to the toolbar.
- Added theming options for toolbar icons and LinkDialog.
- Avoid runtime error when placed inside TabBarView.
- Support inline code formatting.
- Enable history shortcuts for desktop.
- Fix cursor when line contains image.
- Address KeyboardListener class name conflict.
- Upgrade flutter_colorpicker to 0.5.0.
- Text Alignment functions + Block Format standards.
- Support putting QuillEditor inside a Scrollable view.
- Skip image when pasting.
- Bug fix for cursor position when tapping at the end of line with image(s).
- Bug fix when line only contains one image.
- Support for building custom inline styles.
- Cursor jumps to the most appropriate offset to display selection.
- Support inline image.
- Updated quill_delta.
- Support mobile image alignment.
- Support mobile custom size image.
- Support entering link for image/video.
- Bumps photo_view version.
- Fix static analysis error.
- Support Youtube video.
- Support video.
- Bug fix for clear format button.
- Fixed dragging right handle scrolling issue.
- Fixed the position of the selection status drag handle.
- Upgrade image_picker and flutter_colorpicker.
- Support Multi Row Toolbar.
- Remove file_picker dependency.
- Remove filesystem_picker dependency.
- Remove path_provider dependency.
- Add option to paintCursorAboveText.
- Upgrade file_picker version.
- Fix copy/paste bug.
- New logo.
- Support flutter 2.2.0.
- Checkbox supports tapping.
- Indented position not holding while editing.
- Fix image button cancel causes crash.
- Fix height of empty line bug.
- Fix text selection in read-only mode.
- Remove universal_html dependency.
- Enable "Select", "Select All" and "Copy" in read-only mode.
- Fix text selection issue.
- Update example folder.
- Add pedantic.
- Base64 image support.
- Support null safety.
- Web support for raw editor and keyboard listener.
- Support token attribute.
- Fix crash on web (dart:io).
- Add desktop support - WINDOWS, MACOS and LINUX.
- Bug fix: Can not insert newline when Bold is toggled ON.
- Upgrade photo_view to ^0.11.0.
- Fix issue that text is not displayed while typing [WEB].
- Update toolbar in sample home page.
- Fix static analysis errors.
- Support flutter 2.0.
- Improve link handling for tel, mailto and etc.
- Upgrade prerelease SDK & Bump for master.
- Fix for cursor focus issues when keyboard is on.
- Improve link handling for tel, mailto and etc.
- More fix on cursor focus issue when keyboard is on.
- Fix cursor focus issue when keyboard is on.
- cursor focus when keyboard is on.
- Line Height calculated based on font size.
- Support placeholder.
- Fix static analysis error.
- Update TextInputConfiguration autocorrect to true in stable branch.
- Update TextInputConfiguration autocorrect to true.
- Support display local image besides network image in stable branch.
- Support display local image besides network image.
- Fix cursor after pasting.
- Toggle text/background color button in toolbar.
- Support the use of custom icon size in toolbar.
- Support custom styles and image on local device storage without uploading.
- Update git repo.
- Fix static analysis error.
- Add checked/unchecked list button in toolbar.
- Support font and size attributes.
- Support checked/unchecked list.
- Fix getExtentEndpointForSelection.
- Support text alignment.
- Handle url with trailing spaces.
- Handle cursor position change when undo/redo.
- Handle more text colors.
- Fix cursor issue when undo.
- Fix insert image.
- Handle rgba color.
- Fix launching url.
- Handle multiple image inserts.
- More toolbar functionality.
- Update example.
- Update example.
- Update home page meta data.
- Support image upload and launch url in read-only mode.
- Rich text editor based on Quill Delta.