A PoC with bokeh server with a custom basic login view
- STEP01: clone the template auth bokeh repository as project name alias
$ git clone https://gsdpi@dev.azure.com/gsdpi/avib/_git/uniovi-gsdpi-bokeh-template uniovi-gsdpi-bokeh-mp-traccion
- STEP02: Create project and activate it
If you want download the modules from scratch
$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
- STEP02: Install default python modules in your project
(.venv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- STEP02: Configure Application arguments
Edit bootstrap Bokeh Server default arguments
app = "uniovi-gsdpi-bokeh-template" --> App main folder bokeh application (must b ethe same as main folder)
app_prefix = "prefix" --> Prefix for your bokeh application
app_port = 5006 --> Port for your bokeh application
app_title = "Bokeh Template" --> Title for your bokeh application
app_logo = "logo_gsdpi.png" --> Logo for your bokeh application
app_background = "login_background.png" --> Background for your bokeh application
cookie_secret = "my super secret" --> Cookie secret for your bokeh application
websocket_origin = ["localhost:" + str(app_port)] --> Web Origins Domains for your bokeh application
basic_username = "bokeh" --> Username credentials for your bokeh application
basic_password = "bokeh" --> Password credentials for your bokeh application
login_level = logging.DEBUG --> Logging level or your bokeh application
- STEP03: Execute application and debug
(.venv)$ python boostrap.py
- STEP04: Build the docker image
Exec this command to build:
(.venv)$ deactivate
$ docker build -t uniovi-gsdpi-bokeh-template:1.0.0 .
- STEP05: run the docker container
Exec this command to run the container:
$ docker run --rm --name uniovi-gsdpi-bokeh-template -p 5006:5006 uniovi-gsdpi-bokeh-template:1.0.0
- STEP06: tag image docker image to be uploaded to azure container registry
$ docker tag uniovi-gsdpi-bokeh-template:1.0.0 avibdocker.azurecr.io/uniovi-gsdpi-bokeh-template:1.0.0
- STEP07: push image docker image
$ docker push avibdocker.azurecr.io/uniovi-gsdpi-bokeh-template:1.0.0