Gateway Microservice
# Configurations
Microservice configuration table
Attribute | Description | Default Value |
server.port | Default microservice listening port | 8080 |
spring.elasticsearch.username | Elasticsearch username basic credential | elastic |
spring.elasticsearch.password | Elasticsearch password basic credential | password | | Elasticsearch hostname | localhost |
spring.elasticsearch.port | Elasticsearch port | 9200 |
spring.elasticsearch.pathPrefix | Elasticsearch path prefix | / |
spring.elasticsearch.verifyHostnames | Verify Elasticsearch certificates hostnames | false |
spring.elasticsearch.validateCertificates | Validate Elasticsearch certificate sign | false |
spring.elasticsearch.caFile | ca certificate name to validate Elasticsearch certificate sign |
# Local commands Clear compile microservice
./mvnw clean install
Start microservice
./mvnw spring-boot:run
# docker build
compile the docker image for local environment
docker build -t uniovi-avib-morphingprojections-backend .
compile the docker image for avib environment
docker build --build-arg ARG_SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=avib -t uniovi-avib-morphingprojections-backend:1.0.0 .
compile image and push to azure container registry
docker tag uniovi-avib-morphingprojections-backend:1.0.0
docker push
# test docker
Local test of your image. Start a container like this:
docker run --name poc-uniovi-avib-data-projection-backend -p 8080:8080 -d poc-uniovi-avib-data-projection-backend
# Microservices architecture