This project is used to run a fun former hydraulic pump control panel
Python 3.x Raspberry pi 3 or greater
pip install -r requirements.txt ./
docker build ./ --label bigred docker run bigred --device /dev/i2c-1 docker run --privileged bigred
- can be run for a single button, or can self reference and subprocess for each button (4 buttons)
- Each button spawns 2 threads, one for animation and one to watch the button
- will eventually use the status reported back to it to drive system automation
graph TD
A(( -- subprocess x4 --> B( --button-to-run %button1-4% --animation %animationPattern% )
B -- STDOUT:Toggle Status --> A
B --> C[Big_Red_Button Class]
C -- thread --> F(Button Press)
C -- thread --> G(Light Animation)
Big_Red_Button class creates 2 threads for running lights and waiting for button presses This class when called can have output set to communicate toggle status back to STDOUT for processing in above