Hardware and software designs for in situ systems for laser-based powder bed fusion additive manufacturing.
The CAD model of in situ systems for laser-based powder bed fusion additive manufacturing.
The Camera setup of in situ systems for laser-based powder bed fusion additive manufacturing.
The system (hardware and software) design for the project.
Simple CAD models for the Aconity MIDI printer used for visualization purposes.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License [cc-by-sa 4.0].
author = {{ARTS-L}ab},
title = {In situ monitoring of powder bed fusion additive manufacturing},
groups = {{ARTS-L}ab},
url = {https://github.com/ARTS-Laboratory/In-situ-monitoring-of-Powder-bed-fusion-additive-manufacturing},
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