Version 1.0.2
- REC-24 Add the services rating info in the services.csv
- REC-42 Making services.csv mandatory by removing services flag
- REC-46 Calculate hit-rate
- REC-50 Add Click-Through Rate Metric
- REC-52 Add diversity metric to report
- REC-51 Display report as a webservice
- REC-53 Calculating Novelty
- REC-57 Add novelty to the UI
- REC 58 Adding the GiniIndex Diversity
- REC-55 Reorganize metrics output
- REC-62 Include gini index in the report ui
- REC-63 Serve individual statistics and metrics from webservice api
- REC-64 Removing backup plan for calculating users and services
- REC-69 Fix get services parsing due to changes in marketplace page
- REC-71 Top 5 services recommended metric is being added
- REC-72 Top 5 services ordered metric is being added
- REC-74 Implement metric description dashboard page in web service
- REC-75 Modifying services.csv file format to: service_id, rating
- REC-76 Bugfix in dictionary creation of service ids and pages id
- REC-77 First version of Diversity Gini Index YAML file
- REC-78 First version of Catalog Coverage YAML file
- REC-79 First version of Click-Through-Rate
- REC-80 First version of Hit Rate
- REC-81 Update metric descriptions page with css and dynamic sidebar
- REC 93, Part d: YAML file for Diversity Gini Index has been updated.
- REC-96 update docs in users, services and recommendation metrics
- REC-95 Retrieve service name from EOSC-Marketplace
- REC-97 Calculate novelty using simpler expression
- REC-99 Create intro page for rseval service
- REC-101 Update webservice app to use mongodb as datastore
- REC-103 A first version of the RSMetrics Datastore MongoDB implementation
- REC-118 Adding new ingestion policy in user_actions and recommendation
- REC-119 Adding new ingestion policy in users and resources collection
- REC-121 Altering schema and adding ingestion policy in pre_metrics
- REC-120 Append pre_metrics with type and provider
- REC-124 Remove the unneeded CSV exporting functionality.
- REC-126 Read data from RS Metrics MongoDB Datastore
- typos fix
- Adding tooltip to variables (see REC-25)
- Update
- Adding timestamp in UI (see REC-18)
- User actions are enriched according to REC-34.
- Adding start and end time according to REC-29.
- fixing bugs in start and end metrics where start and end arguments
- Set start and end metrics. Get the min/max from both user_actions and recommendations
- Users and Services consistency according to REC-19.
- Setting v.0.2.2 in both Preprocessor and RSmetrics
- Bug-Fix in user_coverage calculation
- RSmetrics typical usage added
- Adding new metrics: recommendations_registered, recommendations_anonymous
- Adding new metrics in Preprocessor: recommendations_registered, recommendations
- Removing user and service catalog metrics from Preprocessor (REC-45)
- Pre-metrics have been encapsulated in functions and appended with description
- Adding new metrics in RSmetrics: recommendations_registered, recommendation
- Update