Version 2.1.0
- ARGO-3984 Make streaming job initialise by default with no argument and advance the subscription to the lastest message
- Write generated alerts to Ams instead of Kafka in stream_status job
- ARGO-3904 Handle repeated events such as reminders different from normal ones
- ARGO-3977 Improve logs generated by the flink jobs
- ARGO-3987 Make AMS related code common in flink jobs
- ARGO-3973 update dependencies versions in flink_jobs_v2
- ARGO-3953 Ingestion jobs should use the header ams credential method
- Streaming job doPull, doAck requests to AMS should use the header ams credential method
- ARGO-3961 Change DateTime timezone to utc during handling timestamps in Timelines and multi_job
- ARGO-3731 upgrade mongodb connector to v3.12
- Produce streaming events with friendly urls instead of encoded hostnames