The following document contains information for building rdap-ingressd both from source and as a Docker container.
The following requirements need to be met in order to build the project.
From Source:
- Java 8 or higher. Supports both Oracle JDK and OpenJDK
- Maven 3.5 or higher
Docker Container:
- Docker CE 17 or higher
The first step in building rdap-ingressd is to obtain the source code with Git.
git clone
rdap-ingressd is built using maven. To create a new build of the project please run the following Maven command.
mvn package
The project's JARs have now been created and can be executed.
The project can be executed in one of two ways. The first is through Maven using spring-boot:run, and the second is by executing the JAR directly.
Executing with Maven:
mvn spring-boot:run
Executing with Java:
java -jar target/rdap-ingressd-<version>.jar
Where is the version of the project that has been checked out with Git.
rdap-ingressd is now listening and available on port 8080.
Use the following command to build a Docker image of rdap-ingressd
docker build . -t apnic/rdap-ingressd
The created Docker image can now be executed:
docker run -p 8080:8080 apnic/rdap-ingressd
rdap-ingressd is now listening and available on port 8080.
See the deploy documentation for more detailed instructions on deploying the Docker image.
To validate that rdap-ingressd is working, an RDAP query can be issued against the service:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/ip/