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Senarii edited this page Jan 5, 2018 · 5 revisions

Control Signs

Control signs are signs merged to a craft which affect either the behaviour of the craft, or that of the entities on it. While some signs are convenient to use over the control commands, none of them are mandatory for basic craft functionality.

Basic Signs:


<Type Of Craft>

This sign allows a player to pilot a craft by right clicking the sign with an empty hand, rather than typing /pilot . The first line of the sign must be the type name provided in the .craft file. While this is all that is necessary for the sign to work, it is customary to name the craft and/or the owner



This sign will release any craft piloted by the player when right clicked. However, be aware that if a craft released by this method will not check for any blocks merging with it, and as such, it is possible to accidentally merge a craft with adjacent blocks if not careful.

Movement Signs:


Cruise: OFF

This sign moves the craft in the direction it is facing by an increment of cruiseSkipBlocks, which is configured in the .craft file. This type of movement sign must be placed on a wall, and the craft will move in the direction of the wall that it is placed against. It is recommended to only allow these to move forwards, as it can be used to jump in any direction.



This sign will turn the craft either left or right, depending on whether it is left clicked or right clicked. If the configuration option rotateAtMidpoint is set to true, the craft will rotate about the center of the craft. Otherwise, the craft will rotate about the [Helm] sign that is clicked.


Ascend: OFF

Descend: OFF

Ascend and Descend signs will move a craft vertically by the increment cruiseSkipBlocks. However, if a value of vertCruiseSkipBlocks is provided in the .craft file, the craft will move by that value instead.




Relative Move:

Rmove: <x>,<y>,<z>

The second line will specify the movement in the format X,Y,Z where X is the number of blocks to move left (negative) or right (positive), Y is the number of blocks to move down (negative) or up (positive), and Z is the number of blocks to move backwards (negative) or forwards (positive), For example, specifying 1,-2,3 would move the craft 1 block to the left, 2 blocks down, and 3 blocks forwards. The direction of the move is interpreted from the sign's orientation. This sign must be placed on the side of a block. To prevent abuse, this is typically limited by the maxStaticMove setting in the .craft file. Also this sign will not function unless canStaticMove is set to true in the .craft file. Using these signs it is possible to make a craft that can be controlled with no pilot tool.