Releases: AOEpeople/meals
Releases · AOEpeople/meals
Version v2.3.1 (2022-11-29)
Ops and CI/CD
- semanticore: add semanticore (8204050)
- [255413] disable autoselection when slot already is choosen (b3e352a)
- [255367] first offered meal should be taken (bb7d463)
- Bump geekyeggo/delete-artifact from 1 to 2 (e8e168a)
What's Changed
- update frontend packages by @hacksch in #268
- add guest flag in autocomplete list by @hacksch in #267
- ci(semanticore): add semanticore by @bastianccm in #196
- Bump geekyeggo/delete-artifact from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #260
- [255367] first offered meal should be taken by @hacksch in #270
- [255413] disable autoselection when slot already is choosen by @hacksch in #271
- Release v2.3.1 by @github-actions in #269
New Contributors
- @bastianccm made their first contribution in #196
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #269
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.3.1
Release 2.3.0
- change behavior of one-size meal and combined meals
- Bugfix: change menu
Security Release
- Update php packages
Bugfix Release
- Limits can be set again
- Prevent error on doubleclick by bookings
- Prevent error by rendering participation list on disabled week
Repositories as service
- #250001 Make repositories injectable via DI (repositories as service)
- Update ddev config (version upgrade + minor updates)
- #253868 Error deleting all meals of a day in weekly menu
- #253791 Silent booking failure on session expire
Fixed portion dishes, Notifications to different slack/mattermost channels & Nginx + PHP-FPM
#252906 Allow a dish to have only one serving size
#253038 Downloading finance pdf with no data throws exception
#253118 User provider does not support user sub-class, e.g. doctrine proxy user instance
#253283 Dish in booked meal can be changed
#253425 Combined dish with variants offers only the last dish variant for selection
#253632 Error log on success
#252904 Allow meals notifications to be sent to different slack/mattermost channels
#252885 Replace apache + mod_php with nginx and php-fpm
Mercure Integration
- Integrate Mercure Hub to send meal updates as push notifications.
- Allow admin and kitchen-staff users to edit combined meal participation.
- Improve error logging. Send error logs to email, as well as a slack/mattermost channel.
Bugfix Release
- Fix multi-lined titles of meals after booking
Bugfix Release
- remove "NEW" flag by combined meals
- adjust styling by long titles
- extend test data
Combined Meals
Create a combined meal automatically by save a week and calculate each with a factor of 0.5 against a normal meal
Several bugfixes and layout adjustments