Australian National University School of Computing - High Performance Computing Research
- Canberra, Australia
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- parallel-pdr Public
- chapelDeviceAgnostic Public
Exercises for the Device-Agnostic Programming with Chapel workshop at NCI
- sharedMemHPC_exercises Public
Exercises for the Shared Memory High Performance Computing Workshop June 2023
- Oclgrind Public Forked from BeauJoh/AIWC
An OpenCL device simulator and debugger, with a plugin for Architecture-Independent Workload Characterization (AIWC). The main repository for Oclgrind is at
- tuning-hints-with-aiwc Public
Paper repository for Characterizing Optimizations to Memory Access Patterns using Architecture-Independent Program Features
- OpenDwarfs Public Forked from BeauJoh/OpenDwarfs
The Extended OpenDwarfs benchmark suite for OpenCL, representing different patterns (dwarfs) of scientific computation. The original OpenDwarfs benchmark suite is at
- aiwc-for-the-masses Public
Towards Language-Agnostic Architecture-Independent Workload Characterization for HPC Accelerators -- Paper Artefact
- coriander-and-oclgrind Public
Illustrates how to build Coriander (CUDA to OpenCL translation tool) with Oclgrind (OpenCL debugger) and AIWC (for Workload Characterization)