JWT Retriever is a Windows WPF application written for dotnet 7 that retrieve the JWT token of a specified OAuth client app using the MSAL library.
Configuring your client app inside JWT Retriever allow you to retrieve a valud App-to-App (Confidential) or user interactive token from your B2C tenant. This allow you to test the authentication flows and the JWT token payload using a tool like Microsoft JWT test site
It's simple. Just fill the requested fields, that you can retrieve from the application configuration in your OAUTH app.
- TenantID: the tenant ID of the application. It's common to the applications universe of the directory.
- ClientID: the ID of the application registered whithin the directory.
- Authority: the authority of the OAUTH process. Usually is the login URI appended with the tenantID in path.
- Domain: it's the B2C directory domain, as configured on Azure.
- API Url: it's the B2C API url as configured in the application dashboard on Azure.
- Scopes: can be needed for interactive login, usually default to ./default in the client application settings.
- Client secret: needed only for App-To-App login. The secret assigned to current client application.
Filling everything allow you to chose from Interactive login and App-To-App login.
You can save the configuration in a JSON file using menu Configuration -> Save configuration, as you can restore it using Configuration -> Load configuration.
This application is provided using MIT license.