Domain-based nomenclature for seamless external Application integration including Azure AD
Company Profile management
Company User/Role Management
Company Settings Management i.e. manage all settings related to Company
Company Empanel/ Depanel Management of Agency
Agency rating*
Agency Billing / Invoice Management*
Agency Marketplace*
Process driven Agency Onboarding
Manage Agency Profile
Agency User/Role Management
Manage Agency Investigation service Management
Agent onboarding with complete ID verification process-flow
Agent Workload visibility
Custom defined Agent ID/document/questionnaire template*
Setup Manual/Auto Claim Allocation
Always encrypted and secure
Fraud-free agent investigation report
Auto-Allocation [based on custom defined logic]
Seamless Claim allocation to Agency
Real-time Claim status tracking
Claim investigation report with timeline
Query Management / Re-allocate Claim workflow
Multiple methods to ingest Claims data:
1. bulk upload through excel, csv file
2. FTP integration
3. API integration
4. Manual claim creation
Map view for better visibility of the Claims on ground
Mailbox for internal communication
Simple and Secure Agent onboarding [real-time Face/ID/document verification]
Fraud-prevention design (All information/document collected through App)
Always Offline-First
Encrypted and secure data storage on Mobile
Agent Mobile Map view of the Claims on ground and efficient decision making
Capture photo and extract complete information of the location i.e. weather, demography, etc
Face-detection, Face-liveliness cognition and Face-match features
Document image digitization [extract text/information from image]
Multiple Language detection / conversion
Multiple Language Handwritten document scan
Document ID Verification through Govt records
Document image sensitive data masking
Audio / Video data capture
Real-time agent tracking
Document-tampering detection
Internal Domain-based Mailbox to:
Receive QuickEMAIL notification or communication
Send QuickEMAIL to System Users only
Claim allocation [to agency and/or agent]
Password change PIN
Agent onboarding PIN
Other platform Integration
^ = Available on Secure Cloud with Complete Regulatory and Statutatory Compliance.
* = TBD for bespoke solution