Releases: AEAOfficial/AEA-CS-Pack
Releases · AEAOfficial/AEA-CS-Pack
AEA Unlimited Warfare Community Edition 1.1.0 Patch
Click or Tap Assets then Source code to download!
Votes Implemented
- Added and buffed AEA T2 & T3 turrets by 10 dmg - Moth
- Made AEA missile Airship Tech Level 2 - tolet
- Updated Mod Info
- Added more defenses from EK - tolet
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AEA Unlimited Warfare Community Edition 1.0.9 Patch
Click or Tap Assets then Source code to download!
Votes Implemented
- Added the Tyrant Back to the Experimental Gantry - spleen
- Changed Fatboy II speed from 0.25 to 0.30 - Horsegirl
- Increased EKRadarTruck range from 310 to 500 - citron
- Added Self Regen on BG turret and made it a little more expensive - bird or tutle