Uses ansible playbook from git submodule
The image is built using packer on the Nectar OpenStack cloud service.
Load your openstack credentials
Build the image (takes ~15 mins)
You should now have an image named ADACS The Littlest JupyterHub (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Focal)
(or whatever you set in the build script) available to your OpenStack project. If you are rebuilding the image, you may need to remove the existing one before you run packer build
- Launch a large-ish server with this image.
- Make sure you can access it via SSH.
- Make sure it has port security that allows ICMP (ping), HTTP, and HTTPS.
Register a domain name for your server by creating a DNS record (see e.g.
Now that you have a domain name, SSH into your machine and run the following commands to register your server with an HTTPS certificate using an email address
sudo tljh-config set https.enabled true
sudo tljh-config add-item <DOMAIN>
sudo tljh-config set <EMAIL>
sudo tljh-config reload proxy
sudo tljh-config reload hub
Your server should then be available at https://<DOMAIN>