Collection of tutorials and materials for the 2020 ADACS astrocomp hack week.
Below you'll find some general information\instructions (or links to this) for each tutorial. Note, this info will be updated over time and is currently WIP.
You will need to bring your own laptop (don’t forget your charger) to follow along with the tutorials and work on hack projects. To prepare for the hack week tutorials can you please ensure you have the following software installed:
- Get an Ozstar account and request to join the "ADACS astrocomp hack week" project (code oz980). Note both creation of the HPC accounts and joining a project will take a couple of days each to be approved so do this asap.
- Request an account here:
- Once approved log in and request to join project oz980
- Get set up for Python\Git\R You can follow installation instruction from The Carpentries:
- We recommend installing Anaconda and you will need Python 3.6 or newer. However, if you already use a different package management system by all means continue using it.
- Get a Github account if you don’t already have one
- If you are coming to the Intro to R session also install R and RStudio -> you can do this via the Anaconda Navigator or by following the Carpentries instructions.
- If you are using Windows you will also need to install:
- Bash Terminal, e.g. gitbash which is installed as part of Git for Windows
- PuTTY or similar to ssh to OzStar, see the OzStar documentation for info on accessing the system: