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Shibli Saleheen edited this page Jul 3, 2018 · 2 revisions

Classify Galaxies using First and TGSS Images

This document provides a walkthrough of the website and its usage from the end-user and administrator viewpoint.

1. Components

The website consists of the following main components:

  • Django Server: provides the user interface for data labelling (galaxy classification), along with user account management.
  • Acton: predicts and recommends galaxies based on user feedback.

1.1 Definitions

  • Survey: A survey represents a set of galaxies to be labeled by users. Labels collected throughout a survey are used to train future surveys.
  • Label: A label correspond to a galaxy classification (e.g. a galaxy can currently be labeled as either FR-I, FR-II, or Unknown.)

2. Usage

2.1 Account Creation and Login

  1. Register: User registration is required to label galaxies. This is done by creating a user account. Registration includes an email address verification step during which an email will be sent to you for confirmation.

  2. Login: To start labelling galaxies, or create a new survey (admin only), you must log in using your username and password. In case you forgot your password, you will find an option to reset your password.

2.2 Account Management

  1. Profile: You can access the accounts management section by clicking on the Profile option as shown in the above figure.
  2. Update: To save any change to your profile information, click on the update button.
  3. Change password: Password can be changed by following the Change password link.

2.3 Classify/Labelling the Galaxies

  1. Classification page: The page shown on the image above can be accessed by clicking the CLASSIFY menu button.

  2. Progress bar: The progress bar provides an indication of your progress regarding the current classification survey. It shows how many galaxies you have labelled so far and how many are remaining in this survey. This will change as you progress. For the multi-threaded version the remaining galaxies will update as soon as as new galaxies are added to the survey as you progress.

  3. Column: Column headers indicate the survey from which image cutouts originate within this column. Currently, images are taken from the FIRST and TGSS survey respectively. Each image cutout dimensions correspond to 3"x3" on sky.

  4. Row: A row currently consists of a survey questions, a comment textbox, and two image cutouts for the same galaxy (one from FIRST and one from TGSS). The survey question is accompanied by answer choices. The selected answer will correspond to the label. It is curently required to select components for the FIRST image using the lasso widget, which will be described later.

  5. Labeling for each galaxy is mandatory.

  6. Comments regarding this galaxy/images can be entered in the text field provided (refer to #6 in figure above). Comment are optional.

  7. The number of components is recorded by manually selecting one or more regions on a FIRST image. You can select components using the lasso tool from the toolbar. More details on the toolbar is described later. This task is mandatory. In case where no components are present on the FIRST image, click the Select 0 to confirm that no components are present.

  8. Image coordinates are shown on top of the images.

  9. Toolbar: Each image is accompanied by a toolbar. The number and nature of the tools varies for each type of images (e.g. FIRST, TGSS, Diagnostic plot, etc.)

  10. Figure information: A brief description of the usage of the tools can be found by clicking on the info icon. An example is presented in the figure below. Information pop up boxes will vary depending on the type of plot.

  1. Navigating through a survey is achieved by using the buttons at the bottom of the classify page.
  • Reset: To reset labels on the current page can be achieved by clicking on the Reset button. Please note that currently, clicking Reset will not reset component selections on the images.
  • Finish: The Finish button will save your response and finish the survey. You can finish a survey any time you want. Save and Next will take you to the next set of questions of this survey.
  • Back: Except for the first page of a survey, a Back button will be shown, as indicated on the image below (11a). The Back button redirects to the previous page to revise or update labels.
  • More!: In case you have reached the end of a survey (e.g. you have labeled all currently recommended galaxies within the current survey), you can extend the survey by clicking the More! button, as indicated by 11b on the image below. Please note that the page loading time will take longer than usual -- simply wait for the new recommendations to be generated. Once this step completes, you can continue working as usual.

2.4 Survey Plots

The classify page includes a sidebar on the right displaying plots related to the global FIRST catalog along with user responses in different plots.

  1. The first plot is a sky-projection plot, projecting the sky-coverage of the FIRST survey database. Red stars indicate labelled galaxies for the current survey.

  2. The second plot shows Fpeak/Fint as a function of log10(signal-to-noise ratio) where SNR = (Fpeak - 0.25)/RMS. Plotted as background, an hexbin plot (2D histogram) of the whole FIRST catalog is shown, where blue indicates the lower bound count, and white the upper bound count. Red stars indicate where currently labeled galaxies within the current survey.

  3. Finally, the third plot indicates the Number of components as a function of log10(SNR). All red stars on this plot represent user selections for each labelled galaxy within the current survey.

3. Administration

An users with superuser, administrator, or staff rights can access the Administration page by clicking on the menu as shown on above figure. This page provides a way for administrators to (re)train Acton's predictor (generate a new survey), and therefore generate a new set of recommendations.

Upon clicking the (Re)Train Recommender button, status messages will be shown to inform you about what is going on (wait/sucess/error). Please note that generating a new survey can take a few minutes to complete. In case of multi-threaded version, you will be notified about the outcome via email.

If no survey is available, a user accessing the classify page will be informed that no survey is currently available, and no galaxies will be available for labelling.