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new calibrate func using scipy rfft() / irfft()
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MartinCupak committed Aug 2, 2024
1 parent d8ffacc commit f7d5ed0
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Showing 2 changed files with 107 additions and 2 deletions.
106 changes: 105 additions & 1 deletion IMOSPATools/
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Expand Up @@ -232,7 +232,8 @@ def calibrate(volts: numpy.ndarray, cnl: float, hs: float,
calSpec: numpy.ndarray, calFreq: numpy.ndarray,
fSample: float) -> numpy.ndarray:
calibrate sound record
calibrate sound record using regular FFT
(functions numpy.fft.fft(), numpy.fft.ifft())
:param volts: audio data/signal in Volts
:param cnl: calibration noise level (dB re V^2/Hz)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,6 +375,109 @@ def calibrate(volts: numpy.ndarray, cnl: float, hs: float,
return calibratedSignal

def calibrateReal(volts: numpy.ndarray, cnl: float, hs: float,
calSpec: numpy.ndarray, calFreq: numpy.ndarray,
fSample: float) -> numpy.ndarray:
calibrate sound record using real FFT
(function numpy.fft.rfft(), numpy.fft.irfft())
:param volts: audio data/signal in Volts
:param cnl: calibration noise level (dB re V^2/Hz)
:param hs: hydrophone sensitivity (dB re V/uPa)
:param calSpec: calibration spectrum
:param calFreq: calibration frequencies
:param fSample: sampling frequency of the recorder sensor
:return: calibrated audio signal
# Sanity check of the input audio signal (parameter volts) for NaNs
if numpy.isnan(volts).any():
logMsg = "Audio signal in volts contains NaN value(s)"
raise IMOSAcousticCalibException(logMsg)

# Make high-pass filter to remove slow varying DC offset
# 5th order Butterworth filter with a critical frequency 10/sampling rate
b, a = scipy.signal.butter(5, 5/fSample*2, btype='high', output='ba')
# apply the filter on the input signal
signal = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, volts)

if doWriteIntermediateResults:
numpy.savetxt('signal_filtered.txt', signal, fmt='%.5f')
# diagplot.dp.add_plot(signal, "Filtered Signal Volts")

# Sanity check if filtered audio signal sill has no NaNs
if numpy.isnan(signal).any():
logMsg = "Audio signal in volts contains NaN value(s)"
raise IMOSAcousticCalibException(logMsg)
log.debug(f"filtered signal size is: {signal.size}")

# make correction for calibration data to get signal amplitude in uPa:
fmax = calFreq[len(calFreq) - 1]
df = fmax * 2 / len(signal)
# generate a set of frequencies as ndarray
freqFFT = numpy.arange(0, fmax + df, df)
# MC note: the interpolation function numpy.interp() has a different
# params order compared with matlab function interp1()
# calSpecInt = numpy.interp(freqFFT, calFreq, calSpec)

# --- Let's try scipy.interpolate.interp1d instead ---
# Create the interpolation function
# (which could be extracted from this library function
# and done only once per calibration file, not per each data file)
interp_func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(calFreq, calSpec,
# Interpolate the values (results are the same as with numpy.interp())
calSpecInt = interp_func(freqFFT)

# Ignore calibration values below 5 Hz to avoid inadequate correction
N5Hz = numpy.where(freqFFT <= 5)[0]
calSpecInt[N5Hz] = calSpecInt[N5Hz[-1]]

if doWriteIntermediateResults:
numpy.savetxt('freq_fft.txt', freqFFT, fmt='%.3f')
numpy.savetxt('calSpecInt.txt', calSpecInt)

# debugging...
log.debug(f'cal spec beg {calSpecInt[0:3]}')
log.debug(f'cal spec end {calSpecInt[-3:][::-1]}')

spec = numpy.fft.rfft(signal)
log.debug(f"spec.size = {spec.size}")
if doWriteIntermediateResults:
numpy.savetxt('spec.txt', spec, fmt='%.10f')

log.debug(f'sig spectrum DC offset {spec[0]}')
log.debug(f'sig spectrum Nyquist freq {spec[-1]}')

# Inverse FFT
# - no fiddling with mirroring of the power spectrum
# and making it symmetric needed in case of using
# rfft() / irfft()
pwrSpec = calSpecInt
log.debug(f"pwrSpec.size = {pwrSpec.size}")
specToInverse = spec / numpy.sqrt(pwrSpec)
log.debug(f"specToInverse.size = {specToInverse.size}")
calibratedSignal = numpy.fft.irfft(specToInverse)

# debugging...
# print(calibratedSignal[:5])
# print(calibratedSignal[-5:])

log.debug(f"calibrated signal size is: {calibratedSignal.size}")
log.debug(f"calibrated signal sample type is: {calibratedSignal.dtype}")
log.debug(f"calibrated signal sample size is: {calibratedSignal.itemsize} bytes")

if doWriteIntermediateResults:
numpy.savetxt('signal_calibrated.txt', calibratedSignal)

return calibratedSignal

def scale(signal: numpy.ndarray) -> (numpy.ndarray, float):
scaling of output for writing into wav file
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion scripts/
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Expand Up @@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ def parseArgs():
logging.error("Sample rate is different between the audio record and calibration file.")

volts = calibration.toVolts(binData)
calibratedSignal = calibration.calibrate(volts, cnl, hs, calSpec, calFreq, sampleRate)
# calibratedSignal = calibration.calibrate(volts, cnl, hs, calSpec, calFreq, sampleRate)
calibratedSignal = calibration.calibrateReal(volts, cnl, hs, calSpec, calFreq, sampleRate)
scaledSignal, scaleFactor = calibration.scale(calibratedSignal)
essentialMetadata.scaleFactor = scaleFactor

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