A Huntsman telescope video mode test/demo script pp_test.py using Panoptes POCS ZWO ASI astronomical cameras driver libasi. The libasi is a python ctypes wrapper for the proprietary closed source ASI astronomical cameras drive provided for download by the camera manufacturer ZWO -> OTHERS -> For Developers.
The libasi.py was copied here from the upstream panopes/pocs repo (release 0.7.8 used by Astrohuntsman/POCS) and modified (eg bug fixed and updated for later version of the underlaying binary lib.).
The fits.py was also copied here from the upstream panopes/utils repo (release 0.2.35 used by Astrohuntsman/POCS) and modified to enable possiblilty to use internal FITRS compression. However, this FITS wrire/compression method based on astripy was later dropped for cfitsio providing better compression/write speed. It is kept here only prof possible experimentration, as there is still commended out code calling it in pp_test.py. Also this is the standard method panoptes and Hunstman POCS uses to write FITS files, and as such needs to be modified to call cfitsio wrapped by python (pip install fitsio).
On a Huntsman Jetson computer:
(Martin using user mcu)
Create ed25519 key pair under user xxx, preferrably passphrase protected as it is a shared computer
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
Put the pub key on Github for the corresponding user.
Instal conda forge
CONDA_URL="https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/latest/download/Miniforge3-Linux-$(uname -m).sh"
mkdir ~/down
cd ~/down/
wget -q "${CONDA_URL}" -O install-miniforge.sh
/bin/sh install-miniforge.sh -b -f -p "${HOME}/conda"
"${HOME}/conda/bin/conda" init
Login again and create conda environment
ssh mcu@
conda create -y -q -n huntsman python=3.9 mamba
conda activate huntsman
pip install panoptes-pocs
pip install matplotlib
conda list | grep panoptes
panoptes-pocs 0.7.8 pypi_0 pypi
panoptes-utils 0.2.43 pypi_0 pypi
note: panuptes-utils seems to be later version than 0.2.35, which can be forced, but there are no apparent issues with the most recent available.
Since the camera demo app incudes compression functionality, fitsio package is needed. The pip command below builds binary wheel of cfistio, plus one needs to install an OS lib for dependance:
sudo apt install libbz2-dev
pip install fitsio
The panoptes-config-server is not needed on Hunstan's Jetsons - alreay running
# /home/mcu/conda/envs/huntsman/bin/panoptes-config-server run --config-file config/zwo_video_demo.yaml
Checkout repo with the video demo script
cd ~
git clone git@github.com:ADACS-Australia/HuntsmanCamera.git
cd HuntsmanCamera
Modify camera serial number etc in yaml and use the script
cd scripts
python3 pp_test.py -h
usage: pp_test.py [-h] -c CONFIG [-d] [-p] [-a | -v] [-C [COMPRESS]]
ZWO ASI camera video record demo script
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Path to the YAML configuration file
-d, --debug Enable debug logging
-p, --parallel_write Write files in parallel with multiprocessing
-a, --auto_exptime Enable automatic exposure time mode
-v, --variable_exptime
Enable variable exposure time mode
-C [COMPRESS], --compress [COMPRESS]
Enable FITS compression (RICE, GZIP, PLIO, None)
python3 pp_test.py -d -c ../config/ASI183MM_jetson005.yaml
python3 pp_test.py -p -C -c ../config/ASI183MM_jetson005_nfs.yaml
python3 pp_test.py -a -d -C RICE -p -c ../config/ASI183MM_jetson005.yaml
There is a number of configuration files in the config subdirectory, for both ASI1600 ZWO camera connected to DFN system embedded PC inthe DFN lab on Curtin campus, and for ASI183 cameras connected to Jetson computers of the Huntsman telecope. (There are comments describing the parameters in yaml file ASI183MM_jetson005.yaml where needed.)