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Brod edited this page Oct 6, 2018 · 4 revisions


Helpers are now built in Providers and built in Providers will soon be separate packages

Jagwah Helpers are small utilities that a regular web application would use.


Helpers provide an easy way to do common things and they will work well with tree-shaking so if you don't use them they won't bloat your builds. You can access Helper's from the Jagwah.Helpers property.

import { Helpers } from 'jagwah';Helpers[name](...);


The sync Helper is basically a shallow property setter for any HTMLElement objects that have a value property, it's a one-way binding method that will update your object[property] with the elements value when called.


Helpers.sync(object, property);


The example below will set the email and password properties of the $account.signForm to the value of the input element when the onchange event occurs.


import { Jagwah, Helpers, Template } from 'jagwah';
import { AccountProvider } from '../providers';
export class SignUpForm {
    private renderer: Jagwah.template.render,
    @Inject('$account') private $account: AccountProvider,
  ) {
    return renderer`
      <form onsubmit=${$account.signIn.bind($account)}>
        <input type="email" onchange=${Helpers.sync($account.signUpForm, 'email')}>
        <input type="password" onchange=${Helpers.sync($account.signUpForm, 'password')}>
        <input type="submit">


import { Jagwah, Provider } from 'jagwah';
export class AccountProvider {
  public signUpForm: { email: string, password: string };
  constructor() {}
  public async signUp() { ... }