Mirror of the extension Drupal Project LDAP
Branches not suffixed by "-dev":
- have upstream on Drupal module Project LDAP (https://git.drupal.org/project/ldap.git)
- are mirrors of the very same named branch of the project
- only modified by team Project LDAP
Branches suffixed by "-dev" are the resulted merge of the homologous upstream branch and developments from here
To compare what is done/changed by far from oficial and non-oficial branch ...
- git clone git@github.com:7rin0/project-ldap-drupal-8.git
- git remote add upstream git://git.drupal.org/project/ldap.git
- git diff upstream/8.x-3.x 8.x-3.x-dev
where upstream/8.x-3.x (first branch) represents the oficial one at drupal repository and 8.x-3.x-dev (second one) represents developments being done here
Every time the Project LDAP extension is updated th eevry same is merged here and it is given total priority to all changes being done by the Drupal community