File includes mixins which helps create color gradients
- Mixin gradient-bg (bootstrap 4.0.0)
- Mixin gradient-x (bootstrap 4.0.0)
- Mixin gradient-y (bootstrap 4.0.0)
- Mixin gradient-directional (bootstrap 4.0.0)
- Mixin gradient-x-three-colors (bootstrap 4.0.0)
- Mixin gradient-y-three-colors (bootstrap 4.0.0)
- Mixin gradient-radial (bootstrap 4.0.0)
- Mixin gradient-striped (bootstrap 4.0.0)
Default variables which are required in mixins located in file. They are set with most common values.
$white: #fff !default;
$enable-gradients: false !default;
$body-bg: $white !default;
Mixin which helps to set background color. Uses global $enable-gradients
variable to indicate if background should
be plain color or gradient. If variable is set true
background is set to linear gradient
with 180deg
- defines background color
Assigned $color-primary-darker
as background color
.exampleBackgroundGradient {
@include gradient-bg($color-primary-darker);
Mixin which helps to create horizontal gradient, from left to right
- defines start gradient color (default#555
- defines end gradient color (default#333
- defines where you want to start$start-color
- defines where you want to stop$end-color
Assigned horizontal background gradient to class with $color-white
and $color-black
color properties which starts
in 10% and finishes in 90% of area
.exampleGradient {
@include gradient-x($color-black, $color-white, 10%, 90%);
Mixin which helps to create vertical gradient, from top to bottom
- defines start gradient color (default#555
- defines end gradient color (default#333
- defines where you want to start$start-color
- defines where you want to stop$end-color
Assigned vertical background gradient to class with $color-white
and $color-yellow
color properties
.exampleGradient {
@include gradient-y($color-red, $color-yellow);
Mixin which helps to create directional gradient
- defines start gradient color (default#555
- defines end gradient color (default#333
- defines an angle to specify direction of the gradient (default45deg
Assigned directional background gradient to class with $color-yellow
and $color-orange
color properties
.exampleGradient {
@include gradient-directional(30deg, $color-yellow, $color-orange);
Mixin which helps to create horizontal three colors gradient from left to right
- defines start gradient color (default#00b3ee
- defines middle gradient color (default#7a43b6
- defines position of$mid-color
from left to right (default50%
- defines end gradient color (default#c3325f
Assigned horizontal three-colors background gradient to class with $color-white
, $color-grey
and $color-black
color properties
.exampleThreeColorsGradient {
@include gradient-x-three-colors($color-white, $color-grey, 80%, $color-black);
Mixin which helps to create vertical three colors gradient from top to bottom
- defines start gradient color (default#00b3ee
- defines middle gradient color (default#7a43b6
- defines position of$mid-color
from top to bottom (default50%
- defines end gradient color (default#c3325f
Assigned vertical three-colors background gradient to class with $color-white
, $color-grey
and $color-black
color properties
.exampleThreeColorsGradient {
@include gradient-y-three-colors($color-white, $color-grey, 40%, $color-black);
Mixin which helps to create radial gradient
- defines start gradient color (default#555
- defines end gradient color (default#333
Assigned radial gradient with the shape of a circle to class with $color-pink
and $color-purple
color properties
.exampleRadialGradient {
@include gradient-radial($color-pink, $color-purple);
Mixin which helps to create striped gradient
- defines gradient color (defaultrgba(255,255,255,.15)
- defines an angle to specify direction of the gradient (default45deg
Assigned striped gradient to class with $color-orange
color property
.exampleStripedGradient {
@include gradient-striped($color-orange, 30deg);