This document aims to give a simple example to show how to submit deep learning jobs to a local kubernetes cluster in a local computer. It helps to understand the working process of ElasticDL.
Here we should install Minikube first. Please refer to the official installation guide.
In this tutorial, we use hyperkit as the hypervisor of Minikube.
We use TensorFlow Keras API to build our models. Please refer to this tutorials on model building for details.
In this tutorial, we use a model predefined in model zoo directory.
git clone
cd elasticdl
pip install -r elasticdl/requirements.txt
python install
minikube start --vm-driver=hyperkit --cpus 2 --memory 6144 --disk-size=20gb
kubectl apply -f elasticdl/manifests/examples/elasticdl-rbac.yaml
eval $(minikube docker-env)
bash elasticdl/docker/
There are other docker settings to configure before submitting the training job.
For example:
export DOCKER_BASE_URL=tcp://
export DOCKER_TLSCERT=${HOME}/.minikube/certs/cert.pem
export DOCKER_TLSKEY=${HOME}/.minikube/certs/key.pem
We can get these setting values by running minikube docker-env
We use the following command to submit a training job:
elasticdl train \
--image_base=elasticdl:ci \
--docker_base_url=${DOCKER_BASE_URL} \
--docker_tlscert=${DOCKER_TLSCERT} \
--docker_tlskey=${DOCKER_TLSKEY} \
--model_zoo=model_zoo \
--model_def=mnist_functional_api.mnist_functional_api.custom_model \
--training_data=/data/mnist/train \
--validation_data=/data/mnist/test \
--num_epochs=2 \
--master_resource_request="cpu=0.2,memory=1024Mi" \
--master_resource_limit="cpu=1,memory=2048Mi" \
--worker_resource_request="cpu=0.4,memory=1024Mi" \
--worker_resource_limit="cpu=1,memory=2048Mi" \
--ps_resource_request="cpu=0.2,memory=1024Mi" \
--ps_resource_limit="cpu=1,memory=2048Mi" \
--minibatch_size=64 \
--num_minibatches_per_task=2 \
--num_ps_pods=1 \
--num_workers=1 \
--evaluation_steps=50 \
--grads_to_wait=1 \
--job_name=test-mnist \
--log_level=INFO \
--image_pull_policy=Never \
is the base docker image argument. A new image will be built based on it each time while submitting the Elastic job.
We use the model predefined in model zoo directory. The model definition will be packed into the new docker image. The training and validation data are packaged to the base docker image already. We could use them directly.
In this example, we use parameter server strategy. We launch a master pod, a parameter server(PS) pod and a worker pod. The worker pod gets model parameters from the PS pod, computes gradients and sends computed gradients to the PS pod. The PS pod iteratively updates these model parameters using gradients sent by the worker pod. For more details about parameter server strategy, please refer to the design doc.
After submitting the job to Minikube, we can run the following command to check the status of each pod:
kubectl get pods
We will see the status of each pod:
elasticdl-test-mnist-master 1/1 Running 0 33s
elasticdl-test-mnist-ps-0 1/1 Running 0 30s
elasticdl-test-mnist-worker-0 1/1 Running 0 30s
To see the loss in the worker pod:
kubectl logs elasticdl-test-mnist-worker-0 | grep "Loss"
We will see following logs:
[2020-04-14 02:46:28,535] [INFO] [] Loss is 3.07190203666687
[2020-04-14 02:46:28,920] [INFO] [] Loss is 9.413976669311523
[2020-04-14 02:46:29,120] [INFO] [] Loss is 3.9641590118408203
[2020-04-14 02:46:29,344] [INFO] [] Loss is 15.329755783081055
[2020-04-14 02:46:29,551] [INFO] [] Loss is 3.8414430618286133
[2020-04-14 02:46:29,817] [INFO] [] Loss is 2.7703640460968018
[2020-04-14 02:46:30,041] [INFO] [] Loss is 6.920175075531006
[2020-04-14 02:46:30,242] [INFO] [] Loss is 4.375149250030518
[2020-04-14 02:46:30,433] [INFO] [] Loss is 8.31199836730957
[2020-04-14 02:46:30,650] [INFO] [] Loss is 5.039440155029297
[2020-04-14 02:46:30,853] [INFO] [] Loss is 22.80319595336914
[2020-04-14 02:46:31,132] [INFO] [] Loss is 4.777717590332031
[2020-04-14 02:46:31,319] [INFO] [] Loss is 11.329744338989258
[2020-04-14 02:46:31,529] [INFO] [] Loss is 7.414562225341797
[2020-04-14 02:46:31,733] [INFO] [] Loss is 6.1839070320129395
[2020-04-14 02:46:31,932] [INFO] [] Loss is 4.577566146850586
[2020-04-14 02:46:32,125] [INFO] [] Loss is 4.547096252441406
[2020-04-14 02:46:32,326] [INFO] [] Loss is 6.603780269622803
[2020-04-14 02:46:32,510] [INFO] [] Loss is 2.7861897945404053
[2020-04-14 02:46:32,720] [INFO] [] Loss is 1.568850040435791
[2020-04-14 02:46:32,925] [INFO] [] Loss is 1.0977835655212402
[2020-04-14 02:46:33,123] [INFO] [] Loss is 0.8362151384353638
[2020-04-14 02:46:33,315] [INFO] [] Loss is 1.146580696105957
[2020-04-14 02:46:33,518] [INFO] [] Loss is 1.4624073505401611
[2020-04-14 02:46:33,648] [INFO] [] Loss is 0.9980261921882629
[2020-04-14 02:46:33,851] [INFO] [] Loss is 0.47116899490356445
[2020-04-14 02:46:34,037] [INFO] [] Loss is 0.9414381384849548
To see evaluation metrics in the master pod:
kubectl logs elasticdl-test-mnist-master | grep "Evaluation"
We will see following logs:
[2020-04-14 02:46:21,836] [INFO] [] Evaluation service started
[2020-04-14 02:46:40,750] [INFO] [] Evaluation metrics[v=50]: {'accuracy': 0.21933334}
[2020-04-14 02:46:53,827] [INFO] [] Evaluation metrics[v=100]: {'accuracy': 0.5173333}
[2020-04-14 02:47:07,529] [INFO] [] Evaluation metrics[v=150]: {'accuracy': 0.6253333}
[2020-04-14 02:47:23,251] [INFO] [] Evaluation metrics[v=200]: {'accuracy': 0.752}
[2020-04-14 02:47:35,746] [INFO] [] Evaluation metrics[v=250]: {'accuracy': 0.77}
[2020-04-14 02:47:52,082] [INFO] [] Evaluation service stopped
The logs show that the accuracy reaches to 0.77 after 250 steps iteration.