diff --git a/script.user.js b/script.user.js
index 3df63f7..5e06ce2 100644
--- a/script.user.js
+++ b/script.user.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// ==UserScript==
// @name JPDB Userscript (6a67)
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
-// @version 0.1.182
+// @version 0.1.183
// @description Script for JPDB that adds some styling and functionality
// @match *://jpdb.io/*
// @grant GM_addStyle
@@ -292,6 +292,19 @@
dependency: settings.showAdvancedSettings
+ settings.advancedPreferKanjiStrokeOrderSVGVariants = new UserSetting(
+ 'advancedPreferKanjiStrokeOrderSVGVariants',
+ '',
+ 'Prefer a given list of variants for KanjiVG stroke order over the default one',
+ {
+ longDescription:
+ 'Only applies, when SVG stroke order is enabled. Provide a comma-separated list of variants to prefer over the default KanjiVG stroke order. E.g. "Insatsu, Kaisho" checks first for the Insatsu variant, then the Kaisho variant, and finally the default one.
' +
+ 'The list is case-sensitive and the default variant is always checked last. (Length of list + 1) is the number of requests that will be made for each Kanji. It is advised to rebuild the Kanji cache after changing this setting.
' +
+ 'Read more about the variants here.',
+ largeTextField: true,
+ dependency: settings.showAdvancedSettings
+ }
+ );
settings.advancedYomiVocabAudioServer = new UserSetting(
@@ -1207,7 +1220,7 @@
function handleResponse(response, source = 'Network') {
- if (response.status !== 200) {
+ if (response.status !== 200 && !allowAnyResponseCode) {
throw new Error(`Requesting ${url} failed with status: ${response.status}`);
log(`Response retrieved from: ${source}`);
@@ -1999,14 +2012,38 @@
if (!kanjiSvg || !kanjiPlain) return;
const kanjiChar = kanjiPlain.getAttribute('href').split(/[?#]/)[0].split('/').pop();
const kanjiUnicode = kanjiChar.codePointAt(0).toString(16).padStart(5, '0');
- const strokeOrderUrl = `${CONFIG.strokeOrderRawHost}/${CONFIG.strokeOrderRepo}/${CONFIG.strokeOrderBranch}/${CONFIG.strokeOrderFolder}/${kanjiUnicode}.svg`;
+ const strokeOrderUrls = [];
+ if (USER_SETTINGS.advancedPreferKanjiStrokeOrderSVGVariants()) {
+ for (const variant of USER_SETTINGS.advancedPreferKanjiStrokeOrderSVGVariants().split(',')) {
+ strokeOrderUrls.push(
+ `${CONFIG.strokeOrderRawHost}/${CONFIG.strokeOrderRepo}/${CONFIG.strokeOrderBranch}/${
+ CONFIG.strokeOrderFolder
+ }/${kanjiUnicode}-${variant.trim()}.svg`
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ strokeOrderUrls.push(`${CONFIG.strokeOrderRawHost}/${CONFIG.strokeOrderRepo}/${CONFIG.strokeOrderBranch}/${CONFIG.strokeOrderFolder}/${kanjiUnicode}.svg`);
// Store the original SVG's dimensions
const originalClass = kanjiSvg.getAttribute('class');
try {
- const svgContent = (await httpRequest(strokeOrderUrl, 365 * 24 * 60 * 60, true, true, true)).responseText;
- replaceSvgWithCached(svgContent);
+ const promises = strokeOrderUrls.map((url) => httpRequest(url, 365 * 24 * 60 * 60, true, true, true));
+ const responses = await Promise.all(promises);
+ let success = false;
+ for (const response of responses) {
+ if (response.status === 200) {
+ success = true;
+ replaceSvgWithCached(response.responseText);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!success) {
+ throw new Error('No stroke order SVG found');
+ }
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching kanji stroke order for kanji:', kanjiChar, error);
@@ -2091,7 +2128,16 @@
const files = await getAllFiles(CONFIG.strokeOrderRepo, CONFIG.strokeOrderFolder, CONFIG.strokeOrderBranch);
const fileUrls = files
.filter((file) => file.path.split('/').pop().split('.')[0].length === 5 && file.path.endsWith('.svg'))
- .map((file) => `${CONFIG.strokeOrderRawHost}/${CONFIG.strokeOrderRepo}/${CONFIG.strokeOrderBranch}/${file.path}`);
+ .flatMap((file) => {
+ const basePath = `${CONFIG.strokeOrderRawHost}/${CONFIG.strokeOrderRepo}/${CONFIG.strokeOrderBranch}`;
+ const paths = [`${basePath}/${file.path}`];
+ if (USER_SETTINGS.advancedPreferKanjiStrokeOrderSVGVariants()) {
+ for (const variant of USER_SETTINGS.advancedPreferKanjiStrokeOrderSVGVariants().split(',')) {
+ paths.push(`${basePath}/${file.path.replace('.svg', `-${variant.trim()}.svg`)}`);
+ }
+ }
+ return paths;
+ });
const progressBar = document.getElementById('kanji-cache-progress');
progressBar.style.display = 'grid';
@@ -2105,7 +2151,7 @@
while (fileUrls.length > 0) {
const urls = fileUrls.splice(0, 50);
const batchPromises = urls.map((url) =>
- httpRequest(url, 365 * 24 * 60 * 60, false, false, true).then(() => {
+ httpRequest(url, 365 * 24 * 60 * 60, false, true, true).then(() => {
progress.style.width = `${(count / total) * 100}%`;
progressText.textContent = `${count}/${total} (${((count / total) * 100).toFixed(2)}%)`;