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nimate is a simple, lightweight animation library designed to work across all JavaScript environments.

✨ Features

  • Flexible Animation Support: Animate numbers, objects, and arrays.
  • Easing Functions: Uses streamich/ts-easing for easing functions.
  • Cross-Environment Compatibility: Works in browsers, Node.js, and other JavaScript environments.
  • Events: Emits start, update, complete, and stop events for animations, sequences, blends, and queues.
  • Promise Support: Supports promises for easy synchronization and chaining.
  • Blended Animations: Combine multiple animations using custom blend functions.
  • Queues: Auto-run animations in a FIFO queue.
  • Sequences: Run animations in parallel or in series.

📦 Installation

Install the library using npm:

npm install nimate

💻 Usage

Basic Animation

import { Animate, easing } from 'nimate';

// Create an animation
const animate = new Animate({
  from: { x: 0, y: 0 },
  to: { x: 100, y: 50 },
  duration: 1000,
  easing: easing.easeInOutQuad,

  .on('start', () => console.log('Animation Start'))
  .on('update', value => console.log('Animation Update:', value))
  .on('complete', () => console.log('Animation Complete'))
  .on('stop', () => console.log('Animation Stop'))

Sequence of Animations

import { Animate, Sequence, easing } from 'nimate';

// Create individual animations
const animate1 = new Animate({
  from: { x: 0, y: 0, nested: { z: 0 } },
  to: { x: 100, y: 50, nested: { z: 100 } },
  duration: 1000,
  easing: easing.easeInOutQuad,

const animate2 = new Animate({
  from: [0, 0, { a: 0 }],
  to: [100, 50, { a: 100 }],
  duration: 1000,
  easing: easing.easeInOutQuad,

// Create a sequence with the animations
const sequence = new Sequence({ items: [animate1, animate2] });

// Attach event listeners
  .on('start', () => console.log('Sequence Start'))
  .on('update', value => console.log('Sequence Update:', value))
  .on('complete', () => console.log('Sequence Complete'))
  .on('stop', () => console.log('Sequence Stop'))

Parallel Sequences

import { Animate, Sequence, easing } from 'nimate';

// Create individual animations
const animate1 = new Animate({
  from: { x: 0, y: 0, nested: { z: 0 } },
  to: { x: 100, y: 50, nested: { z: 100 } },
  duration: 1000,
  easing: easing.easeInOutQuad,

const animate2 = new Animate({
  from: [0, 0, { a: 0 }],
  to: [100, 50, { a: 100 }],
  duration: 1000,
  easing: easing.easeInOutQuad,

const animate3 = new Animate({
  from: { x: 50, y: 50 },
  to: { x: 150, y: 100 },
  duration: 1000,
  easing: easing.easeInOutQuad,

// Create a sequence with the animations
const sequence1 = new Sequence({ items: [animate1, animate2] });

// Create a parallel sequence
const parallelSequence = new Sequence({ items: [sequence1, animate3], parallel: true });

// Attach event listeners
  .on('start', () => console.log('Parallel Sequence Start'))
  .on('update', value => console.log('Parallel Sequence Update'))
  .on('complete', () => console.log('Parallel Sequence Complete'))
  .on('stop', () => console.log('Parallel Sequence Stop'));

// Start the sequence

Queue of Animations

import { Animate, Queue, easing } from 'nimate';

// Create individual animations
const animate1 = new Animate({
  from: { x: 0, y: 0 },
  to: { x: 100, y: 50 },
  duration: 1000,
  easing: easing.easeInOutQuad,

const animate2 = new Animate({
  from: { x: 100, y: 50 },
  to: { x: 200, y: 100 },
  duration: 1000,
  easing: easing.easeInOutQuad,

// Create a queue and add animations
const queue = new Queue();

// Attach event listeners
  .on('start', (animation) => console.log('Queue Animation Start', animation))
  .on('update', (value, animation) => console.log('Queue Animation Update:', value, animation))
  .on('complete', (animation) => console.log('Queue Animation Complete', animation))
  .on('stop', (animation) => console.log('Queue Animation Stop', animation))
  .on('complete', () => console.log('All animations in the queue are complete'));

// Start the queue

Blending Animations

The Blend object allows you to pass multiple Animate objects and blend their results.

import { Animate, Blend } from 'nimate';

// Create individual animations
const animateAlpha = new Animate({
  from: { a: 1.0 },
  to: { a: 0.2 },
  duration: 1000,

const animateColor = new Animate({
  from: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 0 },
  to: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 },
  duration: 1000,

// Define a blend function
const blendFunction = (values) => ({ ...values[1], ...values[0] });

// Create a Blend object
const blend = new Blend({
  animates: [animateAlpha, animateColor],
  blendFunction: blendFunction,

// Attach event listeners
blend.on('start', () => console.log('Blend Start'));
blend.on('update', (value) => console.log('Blended value:', value));
blend.on('complete', () => console.log('Blend Complete'));
blend.on('stop', () => console.log('Blend Stop'));

// Start the blend animation



Creates an animation instance.


  • from (AnimatableValue): The initial value.
  • to (AnimatableValue): The target value.
  • duration (number): The duration of the animation in milliseconds.
  • easing (EasingFunction, optional): The easing function to use. Default is easing.linear.
  • delay (number, optional): The delay before the animation starts in milliseconds. Default is 0.
  • direction ('normal' | 'reverse' | 'alternate', optional): The direction of the animation. Default is 'normal'.
  • loop (number, optional): The number of times the animation should loop. Default is 1.


  • start(): Starts the animation and returns the animation instance.
  • stop(): Stops the animation and returns the animation instance.
  • set(options: SetOptions): Updates the animation properties while it is running.
  • promise(): Returns a promise that resolves when the animation completes.


  • start: Emitted when the animation starts.
  • update: Emitted on each update with the current value.
  • complete: Emitted when the animation completes.
  • stop: Emitted when the animation is stopped.


The set method accepts an object with the following optional properties:

  • from (AnimatableValue, optional): The new initial value.
  • to (AnimatableValue, optional): The new target value.
  • duration (number, optional): The new duration of the animation in milliseconds.
  • easing (EasingFunction, optional): The new easing function to use.
  • delay (number, optional): The new delay before the animation starts in milliseconds.
  • direction ('normal' | 'reverse' | 'alternate', optional): The new direction of the animation.
  • loop (number, optional): The new number of times the animation should loop.


Creates a sequence of animations.


  • items (SequenceItem[]): The animations or sequences to include in the sequence.
  • parallel (boolean, optional): Whether the items should run in parallel. Default is false.


  • start(): Starts the sequence and returns the sequence instance.
  • stop(): Stops the sequence and returns the sequence instance.
  • promise(): Returns a promise that resolves when the sequence completes.


  • start: Emitted when the sequence starts.
  • update: Emitted on each update with the current value.
  • complete: Emitted when the sequence completes.
  • stop: Emitted when the sequence is stopped.


Animate objects in the queue are called sequentially and removed when complete. The start function of each Animate is called automatically when it is next to be played. For example, if the queue is empty and an Animate is added, it is played immediately."


  • add(animation: Animate | Blend): Adds an Animate or Blend instance to the queue.
  • clear(): Clears the queue and stops any currently running animation.
  • stop(): Stops the currently running animation without clearing the queue.
  • promise(): Returns a promise that resolves when all animations in the queue are complete.


  • start: Emitted when an animation in the queue starts.
  • update: Emitted on each update with the current value and animation.
  • complete: Emitted when an animation in the queue completes.
  • stop: Emitted when an animation in the queue is stopped.
  • complete: Emitted when all animations in the queue are complete.


Creates a blended animation from multiple Animate objects.


  • animates (Animate[]): The animations to blend.
  • blendFunction (BlendFunction): The function to blend the animation values.


  • start(): Starts the blended animation and returns the blend instance.
  • stop(): Stops the blended animation and returns the blend instance.
  • setBlendFunction(blendFunction: BlendFunction): Sets a new blend function.
  • promise(): Returns a promise that resolves when the blended animation completes.


  • start: Emitted when the blended animation starts.
  • update: Emitted on each update with the blended value.
  • complete: Emitted when the blended animation completes.
  • stop: Emitted when the blended animation is stopped.


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