A show down of coding approaches to the sieve of Eratosthenes.
This repo stems from a discussion on the 4D Forum: https://discuss.4d.com/t/4d-drag-racing/18342
After watching an episode of Dave's Garage I decided to try doing the Sieve of Eratosthenes using 4D. A little discussionwith some of fellow devs and, well, here we are.
You will need a copy of 4D v18R5 or newer to run all the methods. A couple are written using classes and won't return any results in lower version though at the moment the other methods run fine. There are drastic differences in the results when the code is compiled.
If you would like to contribute a method to this just ping me.
Many thanks to the contributors to date: Jim Crate Kieth Culota Jean-Pierre Ribreau