is a my reimplementation of the game originally written by
Leonard Richardson, now
inside the Notepad.exe and uses the Entity Component System by the great EnTTπ.
The game uses DLL injection to modify the notepad and replace the default Win32 EditControl with Scintilla.
Also, You can find a little gun, so be careful with it!
A video Let's Play:
The game can works only with the old version of Notepad.exe before Windows 11. To get it:
- Open Settings > Apps
- In the center pane select Advanced app settings > App execution aliases
- Toggle off Notepad
And download the game:
- Download Pre-built binaries from Releases page.
- Unpack and run
In this project I wanted to practice with glm and boost libraries and I use
- boost
- glm
- EnTT
I created CMakePresets for 64-bit builds based on Ninja and MSVC. To build the game, run:
cmake . --preset x64-release
cmake --build --preset x64-release --target install
Binary files will be located in the ./out/bin/x64-release directory.
I have implemented a cool header only Quad Tree collision detection algorithm based on @DragonEnergy article, You can check it in src/robotfindskitten/game/systems/collision.h. Tests are located in tests/test_collision.cpp
I update the notepad message pipe from GetMessageW() to the PeekMessageW() inside hook_GetMessageW() so now the notepad does not sleep for a message, just poll and run as a real game.
Remove Notepad's main menu and status bar, and changes the window title to fit the game's context
The game uses fixed time step with 60 fps (src/robotfindskitten/engine/time.h).
render-with-notepad for showing the abilities to implementation.
SuperNotepadBros for the clean iat table's hook example and an good game's time
The long and intresting story with examples about quad tree by user @DragonEnergy on stackoverflow