Hi, my name is Ama and I would be writing a blog on, 'Dealing with Change' based on personal experiences. I've chosen to delve into the theme of 'Change' as I've come to recognize the profound impact it has had on both my life and the lives of those around me. Through the ebbs and flows of existence, we've traversed dramatic seasons of transformation that have reshaped our perspectives, priorities, and paths. Drawing from the tapestry of my own experiences, I am compelled to extend a hand of reassurance to anyone navigating similar waters.
Change, with its myriad manifestations, is an ever-present companion on life's journey. It encompasses the spectrum of emotions—joy, fear, excitement, and apprehension—as we confront the unknown and embrace new horizons. Amidst the tumult of transition, I've discovered invaluable lessons and insights that have illuminated the path forward.
Through the lens of personal anecdotes and reflections, I aspire to offer solace, guidance, and encouragement to those grappling with the winds of change. Each anecdote serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating the transformative power inherent within every transition. By sharing the contours of my own evolution, I seek to impart a sense of solidarity and resilience to those embarking on their own odyssey of change.
In embracing the theme of 'Change,' I am compelled to navigate the depths of uncertainty, armed with the unwavering belief that every upheaval carries within it the seeds of growth and renewal. I hope you are inspired, follow my blog!
I collected the views of people on 'Change.'
Change is inevitable. Change is uncomfortable. Change is painful.Change can be scary. Change is ugly but change is beautiful...
Everyone seems to have the similar reactions towrds change.
Change is the order of the day. Change is a movement from one point to another; be it progressive or retrogressive. Change happens a lot. it is mostly trival and without impact (Trival Change is barely noticed), like when you changed your style of dressing since you grew older. Change is mandatory, as we grow everyday, we change. Growth comes with change. It would be abnormal to see an adult having a fit in public to get a person's attention. Change should be embraced as a constant in life. It is # inevitable. The effects of change can manifest in various ways; be it physically, mentally,emotionally, socially, just to mention a few but for this blog, we would be diving into the mental(psychological) manifestation of change and maybe a little bit on the emotions. (pyschology and emotions are cousins.)
I took these pictures in the beautiful land of Pfarrkirchen during the fall. I know you would be wondering what these trees have got to do with "Change". (See how one whole tree is without a single leaf) Watch me explain this and my inspiration in the video below.
So why did I post pictures of trees during the fall? You would realize that during the fall trees lose almost all, if not all their leaves. Yes, and they become bare and ugly and all their once beautiful leaves would just be brown, crusty munchy things on the floor and we would just be stepping on them as we walk and. That is a period of change because that is not the natural state of the tree at that moment. A tree has leaves and it has been known to have leaves. It knows it has leaves. Then there comes a period where all the leaves go down and they are bare and they are ugly. I don't know. I'm sure if trees were to talk, nothing would make sense to them, but you realise that the fall is just for a season. Other seasons will come and eventually their leaves will grow back again and they will be very beautiful again, serving their purpose again, be it should to give shade or to help the human respiratory process. But for the moment,that is during the fall, they lose everything. They lose all their leaves, but you don't see a tree breaking down. I wanted to use the trees during the fall, as a sort of encouragement that no condition is permanent, no matter what you are going through, it's a season. It has to happen. Fall has to come, the leaves have to fall, and new leaves eventually come, and they are beautiful once again. So change is a constant, yes, but it is for a period.
Then you would ask,"what do I do in a process of change?, What do I do when there's a major change or a minor change going on?"
The first step, as we've already established, is for you to accept that change is inevitable, that change has to occur, change would come, it doesn't need your permission. Now I want you to understand that change comes with pain. Be it a good change, be it a change you are anticipating, no matter what you are anticipating, it comes with change. I wanted to travel outside my home country so bad. I wanted to try new things. I wanted to have a fulfilled life and do a lot of things.
And I'm a Christian, so I would said through the help of God, I see those things unraveling. I see everything working out for me, but I still go through pain because it's a season of change. I'm not with my family, I'm at a place where I know no one, I've left all my friends and I'm here trying to figure out life. It's a good change, but it comes with pain. It comes with a lot of pain. Change comes with pain, and accepting the pain and dealing with it is one way to protect your mental health. You have to be calm and know that this is not the end, but a period and know how to deal with it.This is because the pain that comes to change can even cause you to let down your principles. But no, someone told me you do not let down your principles no matter what, unless it's to help you, you do not let down your personal principles.
When you are going to change, the next step is never, never compare your past. Never compare the life you were having prior to the period of change, to the period of change. Do not compare because you might breakdown since before the period of change everything was just perfect. Then you'd keep comparing, brooding and grieving. You would feel like nothing makes sense. It is human to want everything to be just perfect,to go back to the period before the change or skip the process of change. Do not look back. You just look forward. Just look at what you want and sit down and realize how to make what you want, a realization. So you're going through the pain, right? You're going through change and it's bringing pain. Accept it and work on it, build on it. So let me use my father as an example. So my father was diagnosed with cancer some months ago and prior the diagnosis we didn't know what was wrong with him and we had been taking him to every hospital we could think of. During that period, he was just losing weight, looking so unlike him. He looked very different. And every time, he would be sad because he looks at himself and he knows that no, this is not him like they trees during the fall. This is not him. And it was just not helping him because brooding breaks your heart, later, as he accepted the state that he was in, he could move on the next step, "What is he going to do? Is it eat well? Try to gain back the the lost weight?" You have to accept it and work on it. You do not let yourself be broken by this. That a period of change. It sometimes looks nice to just give up and be there, not to try but no, it's a deception. In the pain you move, in the period of change you move. But as your move, know that there is no pressure on you. Do not put pressure on you. You're not running a race with anybody, It's just you in your lane. So even though you have to move, you have to move knowing that you are not running a race. This is you and everything will be just fine. Accept the change and work on it. You work on it because, come to use a reference in the Bible once again, my Bible teaches me that no matter what we go through as Christians, no matter how hard the process is, as you keep on tying, victory will be for you. So say to yourself, "I'm going through a hard time, but I see the victory, I see the future, and it is bright. So I'm not letting this change break me down. I'm accepting the change. Fine, I had an asset, I lost an arm, I'm accepting it and I am living with it and no one can back me down because I'm not living life for anybody. I'm living life for myself so even if I have just one arm now I'm going to learn how to better myself with my one arm." In the process of change, you make use of what you have, love yourself and move from your comfort zone. Your comfort zone can destroy you. Do not stay in the comfort zone. Push yourself. I'm not saying put pressure on yourself, but push yourself. Allow yourself to enjoy life. Go out, take a walk, Look around, smile, breathe. Buy that dress. Do something. Just do not allow the change to break you. Do not allow the change to limit you. You are a wonderful person, and this is just a period. You do not stay to yourself if it's too much for you to handle. You speak to people who you think can help you. A problem shared is half solved.(but share with the right people, discern.) Do what makes you happy. For me, I like to sing a lot of worship songs, a lot of praise songs to God, and that's what makes me happy. I can't sing, but that won't stop me, because though I can't sing, after singing, I'm happy. So in a period of change, you do not keep your eyes on the pain. Yes, you are going through pain but your focus should not be on what you are going through but your focus should be on what you want to achieve. "Okay, I want this. And I am getting it. So fine. It's depriving me of quality time with my family. Fine. I'm not with my friends. Fine. I don't have anybody to talk to, but I am doing what I want to do. So this change ain't got nothing on me." Even if the change is sort of a set back. You fell, I'm sorry you fell. You stand up again, you don't stay on the floor. Do not let change back you down. Do not let the pain that comes with change, change who you are. Nothing should be able to change who you are. No circumstance should change you because what you are going through is not permanent but for a minute. So yes, do not look at what you've lost. Do not look at what you do not have. There's this thing I always say,"what I have is what I need, what I do not have, I do not need at the moment because whatever I need, I will have." It's painful to lose something, but move on. Yes, it's Okay to accept the pain, when you have to cry, you sit and weep. But after crying, you get up. My father is always telling me that,"you are human, you are allowed to cry, you are supposed to cry but after crying, get up and you tell yourself that you are divine so nothing can stop you." You don't let change overcome you, overcome the change and live the best of life. As you have life, that is not the end. As you have life, you have opportunities. Every new day is an opportunity, so don't look back, don't be gloomy, put on a smile and do what you can do to give yourself a fulfilled life. Change when not accepted and dealt with has the tendency of affecting your mental health. You can become depressed, anxious and what not. Deal with change and the pain it comes with accordingly and live life. Live life to its best. Never give up, don't back down. Life is a bumpy road with uncertainties and drama. Pass through life and do not let life pass through you. THE END. If you made it this far, thank you for reading.❤️
I would like to be motivating you regularly with inspirational quotes and my automation does just that for me. If you want to read the results, you can check my GitHub actions
All pictures, aside the ones I shot personally were copied from the google search engine results. If you want to know how this bloging experince with github went for me, check my wiki.