All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.32 (2022-10-21)
- 模块权限不足弹出提示 (0c4411a)
0.0.31 (2022-09-15)
- 🐛 修复模块权限限制显示 (d6858c7)
0.0.30 (2022-09-15)
- 🐛 修复 lint (9057000)
0.0.29 (2022-09-15)
- 🐛 添加权限限制 (a343b44)
0.0.28 (2022-03-22)
- 🎸 添加 class 供自动化测试 (4f03cf4)
0.0.27 (2021-09-28)
- 🎸 select url (8393318)
0.0.26 (2021-09-28)
- 🐛 children undefined (6e82e4c)
0.0.25 (2021-09-28)
- 🐛 react 重复引入 (5b9cd30)
0.0.24 (2021-09-28)
- 🐛 treeSelect 未调用接口 (b23414e)
0.0.23 (2021-09-28)
- 🎸 树形图数据更新 (a253a1b)
0.0.22 (2021-09-28)
- 🐛 treedata 更改 (e40d373)
0.0.21 (2021-09-28)
- 🎸 树形图数据结构修改 (722cd9d)
0.0.20 (2021-09-28)
0.0.19 (2021-06-25)
0.0.18 (2021-06-25)
- 🎸 引入 HeadComponent (bc53ac9)
0.0.17 (2021-06-25)
- 🎸 module 支持多列 (61151ef)
- 🎸 module 支持多列 (77305e2)
- 🎸 readme 更改 (aa66f1c)
- 🎸 样式调整 (ffbfe04)
- 🎸 添加 type 文件 (20a569b)
0.0.16 (2021-05-18)
- 🎸 监控刷新 (3edc4ad)
0.0.15 (2020-12-28)
- 🎸 更改回调函数参数值 (76dc783)
- 🐛 laoding 错误 (e58ccaf)
0.0.14 (2020-12-24)
0.0.13 (2020-12-23)
0.0.12 (2020-12-23)
- 🎸 模块组件 (9ee8d17)
0.0.11 (2020-12-21)
0.0.10 (2020-12-21)
0.0.9 (2020-12-21)
0.0.8 (2020-12-21)
0.0.7 (2020-12-21)
0.0.6 (2020-12-21)
0.0.5 (2020-12-21)
0.0.2 (2020-12-21)
0.0.4 (2020-12-21)
0.0.3 (2020-12-21)
- 🎸 添加组件 (b25c386)