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React Hooks |

Bunch of React hooks mostly built on top of Web APIs

npm version


yarn add


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  • useNetworkStatus - Hook to detect online/offline network status.

  • usePageVisibility - Hook built on top of Page Visibility API. Helps to detect active tab.

  • useResizeObserver - Hook build on top Resize Observer API. It requires to pass callback to detect size changes of specified Element.

  • useObservedSize - Hook build on top useResizeObserver hook. Additionally returns size of specified Element. No callback needed.

  • useFullscreen - Hook built on top of Fullscreen API. Used to present specified Element (and its descendants) in full-screen mode.

  • useLocalStorage - Hook to set and get localstorage values.

  • useDisclosure - Hook to set toggle opened/closed state with additional callbacks.

  • useClipboard - Hook to copy text to clipboard.

  • useElementHighlight - Hook to wrap specified Element with backdrop.

  • useImagePreload - Hook to preload image with loading and error states.

  • useIdleTimeout - Hook to call function after N-seconds of user inactivity.

  • useWhyDidYouUpdate - Hook to log updated props and state inside components and other hooks. Helpful for development.

Network Status Hook


import { useNetworkStatus } from '';

function SomeComponent() {
    const online = useNetworkStatus();

    useEffect(() => {
        if (!online) {
            // save form to localstorage
        } else {
            // restore form from localstorage
    }, [online]);

    return online ? <span>Connected</span> : <span>Connection lost</span>;

Page Visibility Hook


import { useNetworkStatus } from '';

function SomeComponent() {
    const online = useNetworkStatus();

    useEffect(() => {
        if (!online) {
            // save form to localstorage
        } else {
            // restore form from localstorage
    }, [online]);

    return online ? <span>Connected</span> : <span>Connection lost</span>;

Resize Observer Hook

This hook built on top of ResizeObserver API


import { useResizeObserver } from '';

function SomeComponent() {
    const [wrapperHeight, setHeight] = useState<number | undefined>();
    const ref = useResizeObserver<HTMLDivElement>({
        onResize: ({ height, width }) => setHeight(height),
    const [blocks, addBlock] = useState([]);

    const onAdd = () => {
        addBlock([...blocks, (Math.random() * 100 + 50).toFixed(0) + 'px']);
    const onDelete = (index) => {
        addBlock(blocks.filter((_, i) => index !== i));
    return (
            <p>Height: {wrapperHeight}</p>
            <button onClick={onAdd}>Add +</button>
            <div ref={ref}>
                {, index) => (
                            height: block,
                            backgroundColor: index % 2 ? 'gray' : 'lightgray',
                        Block height: {block}
                        <br />
                        <button onClick={() => onDelete(index)}>Delete</button>

Observed Size Hook

This hook built on top of ResizeObserver API and uses useResizeObserver hook inside to automate getting size of specified element. Optionally, you can path deboubceMs argument to hook, it will slowdown changing size value if needed, but not effects on visual element size changing. Could be useful to prevent expensive re-rendering.


import { useResizeObserver } from '';

function SomeComponent() {
    const [ref, size] = useObservedSize<HTMLDivElement>(100);
    const [blocks, addBlock] = useState([]);

    const onAdd = () => {
        addBlock([...blocks, (Math.random() * 100 + 50).toFixed(0) + 'px']);
    const onDelete = (index) => {
        addBlock(blocks.filter((_, i) => index !== i));
    return (
            <p>Height: {size.heigth}</p>
            <button onClick={onAdd}>Add +</button>
            <div ref={ref}>
                {, index) => (
                            height: block,
                            backgroundColor: index % 2 ? 'gray' : 'lightgray',
                        Block height: {block}
                        <br />
                        <button onClick={() => onDelete(index)}>Delete</button>

Fullscreen Hook


import { useFullScreen } from '';

function SomeComponent() {
    const playerElement = useRef<HTMLVideoElement>(null);

    const { open, close, toggleFullScreen, isFullScreen } = useFullScreen({
        element: playerElement,

    return (
            <button onClick={toggleFullScreen}>Toggle fullscreen</button>
            <video poster="video/preview.jpg" ref={playerElement}>
                <source src="video/cats.ogv" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"' />
                <source src="video/cats.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' />
                <source src="video/cats.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"' />

Local Storage Hook


import { useLocalStorage } from '';

function SomeComponent() {
    const [value, setValue] = useLocalStorage('lastSubmit'); // store under the 'lastSubmit' key in LS

    const onSubmit = () => {
        const submitPayload = {
            user: 'John Doe',
            items: ['1', { foo: 'bar' }, 'baz'],
            date: new Date().getUTCDate(),

    const status = value ? (
            {value.user} submited at {}
    ) : (
        <span>Not submited yet!</span>

    return (
            <button onClick={onSubmit}>Submit</button>

Disclosure hook


import { useDisclosure } from '';

function SomeComponent() {
    const onOpenCb = () => {
        console.log('content opened');

    const onCloseCb = () => {
        console.log('content closed');

    const { isOpen, open, close } = useDisclosure(false, onOpenCb, onCloseCb);

    const content = isOpen ? <span>Hello world!</span> : null;

    return (
            <button onClick={isOpen ? close : open}>toggle content</button>

Clipboard hook


import { useClipboard } from '';

function SomeComponent() {
    const onCopyCb = () => {

    // optional successResetIntervalMs parameter
    // to set hasCopied to false in timeout
    // defaults = 500 ms
    const { copy, hasCopied } = useClipboard(onCopyCb, 1000);

    const onCopyClick = () => {
        copy('Hello world!'); // any text

    useEffect(() => {
        if (hasCopied) {
            alert('Successfully copied!');
    }, [hasCopied]);

    return <button onClick={onCopyClick}>Copy text</button>;

Element Highlight Hook

Could be used to build onboarding scenario or learning interactive guide. This hook renders Backdrop to highlight selected element and provides callbacks to set elements by calling setElement returned second from hook.

It allows to set additional props to Backdrop but also supports all default HTMLDivElement props.

You can configure Backdrop view by setting

backdropColor (defaults: rgba(0,0,0,0.75)),

zIndex (defaults: 999) and

overlay (defaults: false).

If overlay set to true it will render overlaying <div /> to block user iteration with selected element.

@TODO: Smooth animation, resizing, highlighting dynamic elements


import { useElementHighLight } from '';

function SomeComponent() {
    const [value, setValue] = useState('');
    const inputRef = React.useRef();

    const [currentElement, setElement, Backdrop] = useElementHighLight<
        { someExtraPropsToBackDrop: string }
    >({ overlay: false, backdropColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.75)', zIndex: 999 });

    React.useEffect(() => {
    }, [inputRef]);

    const onChange = (e) => {

    useEffect(() => {
        if (value.length > 3) {
    }, [value]);

    const onBackdropClick = () => {
        if (inputRef.current) {

    return (
            <Backdrop onClick={onBackdropClick} someExtraPropsToBackDrop={'foo'} />
            <input value={value} onChange={onChange} ref={inputRef} />

Image preload Hook


import { useImagePreload } from '';

const imgSrc = '';
const imgPlaceholder = ''; // optionally

export const SomeComponent = () => {
    const { source, loading, error } = useImagePreload(imgSrc, imgPlaceholder);

    if (loading) {
        return <span>Image loading...</span>;
    } else if (error) {
        return <span>Error occured</span>;
    } else {
        return <img src={source} alt="dog" />;

Idle Timeout Hook

This component will fire onClose callback after 5 seconds of user inactivity. It listens to load, mousemove, mousedown, click, scroll, keypress, touchcancel, touchend, touchmove, touchstart events.


import { useIdleTimeOut } from '';

export const SomeComponent = ({ onClose, isOpen }) => {
    useIdleTimeOut(5000, onClose);

    if (isOpen) {
        return <p>This is autoclosing notification</p>;
    return null;

Debug Hook

This hook will show in console difference between props on each render. It helps to debug complicated components. This hook supports nested objects compare. Use it only in development mode.


import { useWhyDidYouUpdate } from '';

function SomeComponent(props) {

    useWhyDidYouUpdate(props, 'my complicated component to debug');

    // also you can specify console prefix to identify current hook usage

    // For example if changed it will log:
    // [why-did-you-update] my complicated component to debug {name: { from: 'Jim', to: 'Joe' }}

    return <>...</>;


  • Add SSR support
  • Add demo
  • Tests
  • Add useAccelerometer
  • Add useParallax