A simple hand drawn HTML/CSS theme made by Chris McCormick, now powered and automated with Hugo, made by 1hiking for bloggers and interested alike.
- It's cute!
- 100% made with HTML & CSS
- Easy to host on your favorite provider (Netlify, GH Pages, Cloudfare, etc)
- Support for OpenGraph
Download the theme:
git submodule add https://github.com/1hiking/Hugo-Doodle.git themes/Hugo-Doodle
you can alternatively use the zipped archive. To preview the site:
cd themes/Hugo-Doodle/exampleSite/
hugo server --themesDir ../.. --minify --gc
A TOML example config is the following, although it could be JSON or YAML.
baseURL = "https://Hugo-Doodle.netlify.com"
copyright = "Copyright © 2008-2019, Steve Francia and the Hugo Authors; all rights reserved."
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Hugo-Doodle"
description = "Hugo-Doodle is a playful and simple Hugo theme for bloggers and writers alike"
footerText = "Nice footer"
identifier = "about"
name = "About"
url = "/about/"
weight = 10
homepage = "Posts"
name = "Posts"
url = "/post/"
weight = 10
noClasses = true
style = "solarized-light"
Use [[menu.main]]
tables to add more elements to your navigation.
These are the following frontmatter parameters that should work. As in the site config, these are in TOML (+++) but could be YAML (---):
title = "About"
description = "Hugo, the world's fastest framework for building websites"
date = "2019-02-28"
author = "Hugo Authors"
tags = ["markdown","css","html"]
categories = ["themes","syntax"]
- DoodleCSS was made by Chris McCormick et alii.
- exampleSite was made by Steve Francia et alii.