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My Ubuntu 23.04 development environment for laptops and desktops based on ianclearly/ubuntu-dev-playbook.

My desktop


  • Generate your SSH key.
    • After that reconfigure your github/gitlab SSH settings.
  • Execute the script:
 wget -O - | sh -


Create your config file:

cp default.config.yml config.yml

Please, edit your git user from config.yml:

git_user: YourUser      ### Your user name
git_email: Your@Email   ### Your email
# git_user: 1giba
# git_email:
  • If you don't create the config file, it will assign the default settings.
  • The config.yml is the only file you can edit of the ubuntera project.

Main Commands

make all                # install requirements and packages
make bootstrap-install  # install requirements
make bootstrap          # check requirements
make install            # install packages


If you don't need all you can install what you need.

Web Browsers

  • Chromium
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
make browsers  # install all browsers
make chromium  # install chromium
make edge      # install edge

Edit the config.yml file if you don't need these:

configure_chromium: false  # default: `true`
configure_edge: false      # default: `true`


  • Slack
  • Telegram
  • Whatsdesk
  • Zoom
make chats     # install all apps for chating
make slack     # install slack
make telegram  # install telegram
make whatsdesk # install whatsdesk
make zoom      # install zoom

Edit the config.yml file if you don't need these:

configure_slack: false      # default: `true`
configure_telegram: false   # default: `true`
configure_whatsdesk: false  # default: `true`
configure_zoom: false       # default: `true`

Desktop Flavours

  • Budgie Desktop
make desktop-flavours # install desktop flavour

Edit the config.yml file if you don't need these:

# Change to `false` if you don't want to change the ubuntu desktop.
configure_desktop: false

Dev Tools

  • Git
  • Postman
  • VSCodium
make dev-tools # install all dev tools
make codium    # install vscodium
make git       # install git
make postman   # install postman

Edit the config.yml file if you don't need these:

configure_codium: false             # default: `true`
configure_codium_extensions: false  # default: `true`
configure_git: false                # default: `true`
configure_postman: false            # default: `true`

You can also remove my IDE default preferences or put yours:

codium_preferences: |

There is a variable called as codium_extensions. It's an array field type and you can add a new vscodium extension or remove the extension that you don't need.

  - vendor.package1
  - vendor.package2
  - vendor.package3


  • AWS Cli 2
  • Docker
  • Kubectl
  • Lens
make infra     # install all infra tools
make awscli    # install awscli
make kubectl   # install kubectl
make lens      # install lens

Edit the config.yml file if you don't need these:

configure_awscli: false   # default: `true`
configure_docker: false   # default: `true`
configure_kubectl: false  # default: `true`
configure_lens: false     # default: `true`
configure_ngrok: false    # default: `true`


  • Flameshot
  • Notion
  • Solaar
  • Ulauncher
  • Wifi Powersave mode
make misc       # install all miscelaneous
make flameshot  # install flameshot
make notion     # install notion
make powersave  # install powersave
make solaar     # install solaar
make ulauncher  # install ulauncher

Edit the config.yml file if you don't need these:

configure_flameshot: false            # default: `true`
configure_notion: false               # default: `true`
configure_ulauncher: false            # default: `true`
configure_solaar: false               # default: `true`
configure_wifi_powersave_mode: false  # default: `true`


  • Authy
  • Bitwarden
  • Spotify
  • Youtube Music Player
make services      # install all services
make authy         # install authy
make bitwarden     # install bitwarden
make spotify       # install spotify
make youtube-music # install youtube music player

Edit the config.yml file if you don't need these:

configure_authy: false           # default: `true`
configure_bitwarden: false       # default: `true`
configure_spotify: false         # default: `true`
configure_youtube_music: false   # default: `true`


  • Fish
  • Oh My Fish
  • Tilix
make shell       # install all shell stuff
make fish        # install fish
make oh-my-fish  # install oh-my-fish
make tilix       # install tilix

Edit the config.yml file if you don't need these:

configure_fish: false  # default: `true`
configure_omf: false   # default: `true`
configure_tilix: false # default: `true`

Default installations

  • curl
  • htop
  • jq
  • meld
  • net-tools
  • silversearcher-ag
  • traceroute
  • vlc
  • vim
make apt_install # install package list (Check your config.yml file)

Edit the config.yml file if you want to customzize:

# Change the value of `configure_apt_install` to `false` to avoid installing the packages bellow.
configure_apt_install: false # default: `true`
# Or add a new one if you need.
# Or comment the package line if you don't need.
  - name: curl
  - name: htop
  - name: jq
#   - name: meld
  - name: net-tools
  - name: silversearcher-ag
  - name: traceroute
#   - name: vlc
  - name: vim
  - name: my-package

Default removals

  • atril
  • aisleriot
  • celluloid
  • cheese
  • gnome-2048
  • gnome-mahjongg
  • gnome-mines
  • gnome-screenshot
  • gnome-sudoku
  • gnome-terminal
  • goodvibes
  • libreoffice package
  • lollypop
  • magnus
  • mate-calc
  • nautilus
  • parole
  • rhythmbox
  • thunderbird
make apt_uninstall # uninstall package list (Check your config.yml file)

Edit the config.yml file if you want to customzize:

# Change the value of `configure_apt_uninstall` to `false` to avoid uninstalling the packages bellow.
configure_apt_uninstall: false # default: `true`
# Or add a new one if you want.
# Or comment the package line if you don't want.
  - name: atril
  - name: aisleriot
  - name: celluloid
  - name: cheese
  - name: gnome-2048
  - name: gnome-mahjongg
  - name: gnome-mines
  - name: gnome-screenshot
  - name: gnome-sudoku
  - name: gnome-terminal
#   - name: goodvibes
#   - name: "libreoffice*"
  - name: lollypop
  - name: magnus
  - name: mate-calc
#   - name: nautilus
  - name: parole
  - name: rhythmbox
#   - name: thunderbird
  - name: firefox

Hope you enjoy it. You couldmy repository if helps you in anyway. This would be awesome!! I'll really appreciate it! ❤️