The time zone configured on the server is found in /etc/localtime. This is a symbolic link that points to one of the time zones files in /usr/share/zoneinfo.
sets the hardware time.
If the hardware clock is not correct but the system time is you can sync the hardware time to the
system time with hwclock --systohc
Use date
so show current date and time.
Use timedatectl
to manage time and time zone configuration.
timedatectl status
show all time properties in use.
timedatectl list-timezones
show all available timezones.
timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Rome
timedatectl set-time
timedatectl set-timezone
timedatectl set-ntp
enables or disables NTP sync.
An NTP service must be configured. The default for RHEL is Chrony. If your server is running systemd-timesyncd.service you must disable that service before enabling Chrony.
Chronyd is the default RHEL 9 NTP service. Use "/etc/chrony.conf" to change sync parameters.
Use iburst to permit fast synchronization.
After changing the conf file restart the chronyd service.
chronyc sources -v
to see the servers you are synchronizing with.