TikTok videos bulk downloader with or without watermark by username.
General requirements
pip -q install pycryptodome pycryptodomex
Only for downloading posts without watermark:
The below steps worked fine with me
pip -q install selenium==2.48.0
wget https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads/phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2
tar xvjf phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2
cp phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin
Script arguments
At first, you should run the script with "generate" option. This will generate and save json file that conatins all user posts data.
python tiktok_dl.py --username [target username] --generate
You can after that download the videos from the latest saved json file you generate.
python tiktok_dl.py --download
Use "no-watermark" argument in case you want to download the videos without watermark.
python tiktok_dl.py --download --no-watermark
You can take a shortcut and do it all in one command.
python tiktok_dl.py --username [target username] --download --no-watermark
Feel free to write any suggestions you think about.