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File metadata and controls

110 lines (67 loc) · 4.17 KB


Name : Nessus 6 Report visualizer and converter

Author : Nikhil Raj ( Twitter: 0xn1k5 | Mail: nikhilraj149[at] )

Version: 1.0

Last Updated : 7 Aug 2017


The script allows to visualize data from multiple nessus report files on the terminal. It also allows to the filter output by ip, port, severity-level of issue, or name of vulnerability using various command line options described in the below section. The filtered data can be exported in a csv format.


python ./ -h
 -h  or --help               print this help menu
 -f  or --file                  space separated input nessus report file(s)
 -o  or --output-file      output file to save data in csv format
 -p  or --port               display records with matching port
                                   format accepted:
                                   -p 21,53,23"
                                   -p 1-1000"
                                   -p 8090"
 -c  or --severity-level    display records with matching severity level
                       	             format accepted:
                       	              -c 2,3,4
                                     -c 1-4
                                     -c 4 
                                     0 - Info
                                     1 - Low
                                     2 - Medium
                                     3 - High
                                     4 - Critical
 Note: This options can be clubbed with -p option
 -e  or  --exclude-ip       exclude comma seperated ip from output
                                    format accepted:
 Note: Current version doesn't support filtering via cidr ip notation
            It can be clubbed with all above filters options
 -v  or --vulnerability      display records with matching vulnerability name
                                     format accepted:
                                       -v "ms17-010"
                                       -v "poodle,smb"                             


Display help section of the script

    #python ./ -h
Parse scan01.nessus and scan02.nessus file(s) and display info on terminal 	 
    # python ./ -f scan01.nessus scan02.nessus
Parse nessus report files and save output in output-report.csv file    
    # python ./ -f scan01.nessus scan02.nessus -o output-report.csv
Display records from nessus report where port number lies between 1 to 1024     
    # python ./ -f scan01.nessus scan02.nessus -p 1-1024

Display all the severity-level = 4 [Critical] observations from the nessus report
    # python ./ -f scan01.nessus scan02.nessus -c 4
Display all records from nessus report where port number is 22 and severity-level is 4 [Critical]    
    # python ./ -f scan01.nessus  -p 22 -c 4
Display all the observations where system is vulnerable to "wannacry"   
    # python ./ -f scan01.nessus  -v "wannacry"
Exclude host and from the report    
    # python ./ -f scan01.nessus -e,

Requirements: This script requires below two libraries which may not be present by default in your python installation:

	1) LXML - Required for parsing nessus data
	2) PrettyTable (Optional) - for formatting data in tabular fashion on terminal

Please share your feedback or any improvements you want to see in the script @