PowerView Enumeration Get list of GPO in current domain. Get-NetGPO Get-NetGPO -ComputerName dcorp-student1.dollarcorp.moneycorp.local Get-GPO -All (GroupPolicy module) Get-GPResultantSetOfPolicy -ReportType Html -Path C:\Users\Administrator\report.html (Provides RSoP) gpresult /R /V (GroupPolicy Results of current machine) Get GPO(s) which use Restricted Groups or groups.xml for interesting users Get-NetGPOGroup Get users which are in a local group of a machine using GPO Find-GPOComputerAdmin -ComputerName student1.dollarcorp.moneycorp.local Get machines where the given user is member of a specific group Find-GPOLocation -Username student1 -Verbose Get OUs in a domain Get-NetOU -FullData Get GPO applied on an OU. Read GPOname from gplink attribute from Get-NetOU Get-NetGPO -GPOname "{AB306569-220D-43FF-BO3B-83E8F4EF8081}" Get-GPO -Guid AB306569-220D-43FF-B03B-83E8F4EF8081 (GroupPolicy module)