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Information Security 101: The Community

Part of my Information Security 101 Series.

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Notable individuals, conventions, and organizations from the Information Security field.

Note: These names are not listed in any specific order.

Information Security

Twitter Name Twitter Handle Twitter Biography
Dave Kennedy (ReL1K) @HackingDave Father/Hubby, Hacker, Author, Media Person, Founder @TrustedSec, @Binary_Defense and @DerbyCon, and vet @USMC. Life Motto: "In Absentia Lucis Tenebrae Vincunt".
Mark Boltz-Robinson @SageFedora IT security. Apple evangelist, queer geek, avid reader, dog lover, cat owner, skier. #locksport #travel #firearms #politics #infosec #UNIX #atheist #beer
InfoSec Taylor Swift @SwiftOnSecurity I make stupid jokes, talk systems security, + , write Scifi, sysadmin, & use Oxford commas.Kinda prefer they/them
C:\Users\Tulpa @tulpa_security Digital curiosity in an analog world // Hold onto your roots // Blood type IPA+ // OSCE, OSCP, OSWP, BAppSocSci etc.
Nikita Kronenberg @Niki7a DEF CON, Director of Content & Coordination. Wife & Mom. Member of: Security Tribe, LoU. ☠️🦄🌈🤓 Into: hacks💡snacks 🌮 shellacs 💅
Marley @mkr_ultra First place champ, Crying About Space, '08-'18. Tequila & mezcal fan. Advocate for weaponizing the blue team. Actual space marshmallow. 🍤
Amanda Berlin @InfoSystir Adult supervision required. Co-host of @brakesec Author - Quod me non necat me fortiorem facit #infosec #security #defsec #hacking
Omar Santos @santosomar Cyber security principal engineer at Cisco's PSIRT focused on vulnerability management, threat intelligence, research & writing books. Tweets are my own.
Heather Mahalik @HeatherMahalik Digital Forensics Professional, SANS Senior Instructor and author #FOR585, wife, mama, author, serial vacationer, horse lover and simply over-scheduled!
Mudge @dotMudge Make a dent in the universe. Find something that needs improvement: go there and fix things. If not you, then who? :)
Cypher @CryptoCypher Cypherpunk. Moderator @greysec_net.
Eugene Kaspersky @e_kaspersky CEO of #Kaspersky Lab. 28 years in #cybersecurity. Views are my own
bat @mzbat NaaS (No as a Service) stabby infosec, artist, tank girl, spooky space bat. PhD in Horribleness.🖤 @18F #nasa @rallysecurity 🦇
John Lambert @JohnLaTwC General Manager, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center, johnla(AT) ,
Dan Rosenberg @djrbliss I break kernels.
Matthew Green @matthew_d_green I teach cryptography at Johns Hopkins.
Ryan Dewhurst @ethicalhack3r Founder of Dewhurst Security. Founder/Developer of @WPScan and DVWA.
Marc Rogers @marcwrogers Ramblings of a Mad English Hacker: Hacker behind BBC's The Real Hustle & USA's Mr Robot. Head of SecOps for DEF CON. Head of Infosec for CloudFlare.
Parisa Tabriz @laparisa Browser Boss @googlechrome; Security Princess @google; Project Zero den mom; former @usds; skilled at baking, eating, and hijacking cookies.
Georgia Weidman @georgiaweidman Author: Penetration Testing: A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking (use code GEORGIA) Founder of @bulbsecurity and @shevirahsec, @UMUC prof
Conrad @eric_conrad SANS Fellow, lead author of The CISSP Study Guide, CTO of Backshore Communications, GIAC GSE #13.
Ron Gula @RonGula President Gula Tech Adventures. Co-Founded Tenable Network Security & Network Security Wizards. 15+ years experience as CEO & CTO in cyber security industry.
briankrebs @briankrebs Independent investigative journalist. Writes about cybercrime. Author of 'Spam Nation', a NYT bestseller. Wrote for The Washington Post '95-'09
Gal Shpantzer @Shpantzer Information security and risk management advisor. Virtual CISO with interdisciplinary skillset to solve complex business and technical problems. Not CISSP
(((Jayson E. Street))) @jaysonstreet Hacker, Author. Speaker, VP of InfoSec at SphereNY, DCG Global Ambassador! Always learning & always hoping to teach others! :-)
the grugq @thegrugq Security Researcher :: Cultural Attaché :: :: PGP :: Не верь, не бойся, не проси
Shack @daveshackleford Opinionated security geek. Owner@Voodoo Security, faculty@IANS. VMware vExpert. SANS dude. Musician. Sybex author. Slayer of Sacred Cows for Infosec.
BillBrenner70 @BillBrenner70 IANS research director, security scribe, dad, husband, author of THE OCD DIARIES #WebSecurity #SecurityThoughtLeadership #Metalhead
Katie Moussouris @k8em0 Founder/CEO @lutasecurity . Bug bounty & vuln disclosure pioneer. ISO editor. Hacker. MIT Sloan visiting scholar. New America Fellow. Harvard Belfer affiliate.
Dave Marcus @DaveMarcus Chief Architect, Advanced Research and Threat Intelligence McAfee Federal Advanced Programs Group
𝒮𝑒𝒸𝐵𝒶𝓇𝒷𝒾𝑒 @SecBarbie Cyber/Information Security Professional, Partner at @UrbaneSec, Fine Dining Lover, DJ, Wine Butler, and forever student of life! #StarChaser
Tavis Ormandy @taviso Vulnerability researcher at Google. This is a personal stream, opinions expressed are mine.
Lance James @lancejssc Chief Scientist, @flashpointintel Consulting Detective, @unit221b Previously: Head of #Cyber Intelligence @Deloitte #cybersecurity #threatintel #infosec
Jeremiah Grossman @jeremiahg I travel world, meet new people, and fight them — or hack them. CEO (Bit Discovery
Paul Asadoorian @securityweekly Founder & CEO of Security Weekly & @stogiegeeks, @OffensiveCM CEO, hacker, cigar smoker, and podcaster.
Jennifer Leggio @mediaphyter Raconteur. Powerhouse. Security Twits herder emeritus. Writer for @ZDNet Zero Day. Chief Marketing Officer. Music is my lifeblood. Obsessed with baby goats.
Jack Daniel @jack_daniel Storyteller, Community Builder, Security BSides co-founder, Friend, Lover, Curmudgeon, Historian.
Bill Gardner @oncee Assistant professor and ΛΧΑ advisor at Marshall University.

Digital Forensics, Incident Response, and Malware Analysis

Twitter Name Twitter Handle Twitter Biography
Lenny Zeltser @lennyzeltser Advances information security. Grows tech businesses. Fights malware. // VP of Products @MinervaLabs. Author and Instructor @SANSInstitute.
MalwareTech @MalwareTechLab Botnet Tracking, Malware Reversing, Programming. Personal account is @MalwareTechBlog.
Miss Malware @Miss_Malware #CPA gone dark. #Infosec Engineer n00b. Working on my #OSCP. #BlueTeam Learning SEIM and IDS right now.
Brian Carrier @carrier4n6 VP Digital Forensics at Basis Technology. Builds incident response (Cyber Triage) and Digital Forensics software (Autopsy and @sleuthkit)
Paul Burbage @hexlax Malware researcher @FlashpointIntel | board member @BSidesCHS | botnet tracker | honeypot junkie. Tweets are my own. I'm also hexlax on keybase.
Amanda Rousseau @malwareunicorn Malware Research Unicorn @EndgameInc. Interested in Malware, Reverse Engineering, and Fashion. DEF CON. My thoughts are my own. @VanitySec Creator
Brad @malware_traffic Sharing information on malicious network traffic and malware samples
Jared Atkinson @jaredcatkinson | Minesweeper Champ | Aspiring Beard Model | PowerShell MVP | PowerForensics | USAF Vet | FC Bayern Fan | 🇳🇴 Språkstudent
Hasherezade @hasherezade Programmer, #malware analyst. Author of #PEbear, #PEsieve, #libPeConv. Private account. All opinions expressed here are mine only (not of my employer etc)
R136a1 @TheEnergyStory Malware Researcher at Palo Alto Networks
Sev @sudosev Security Researcher @ ProofPoint. Malware analysis/Threat intel/Sig dev. Tweets are my own - personal account.
_Veronica_ @verovaleros Woman. Hacker. Disruptor. Mentor. Speaker. Malware Researcher. Network Security. Studying Remote Access Trojans. // Co-founder of @womenintechfund & @mateslab
VirusShare @VXShare Online malware repository project created and maintained by @Forensication PGP 0x37D85B42
Ronnie T. @iHeartMalware Python and malware...delicious malware... @malwarelu is a repository of malware and technical analysis. The goal of the project is to provide samples and technical analysis to security researcher.
Adam @Hexacorn ROI-oriented DFIR/RCE consulting. Follow my priv blog about expat/travel @pickie_piggie + my wife's art/writing blog @MariNomadie
Michael Sikorski @mikesiko Malware Analyst. Triathlete.
David Cowen @HECFBlog SANS Certified Instructor, Expert Witness, Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics author and Blog author
Teru Yamazaki @4n6ist Forensic Investigator? Instructor? Researcher?
Jérôme Segura @jeromesegura Lead Malware Intelligence Analyst @Malwarebytes.
Nicolas Brulez @nicolasbrulez #Virus #HEXorcist. Armadillo PE protector co-coder. Reverse Engineering Rockstar. First REcon trainer since 2005. Ex Principal Malware Researcher at Kaspersky
Sarah Edwards @iamevltwin Mac Nerd, Forensic Analyst, @sansforensics Author/Instructor of FOR518 Mac/iOS Forensic Analysis & IR, nap aficionado, and animal cuddler. Opinions are mine.
Jake Williams @MalwareJake @RenditionSec. GSE #150. I do adversary emulation, incident response, and malware research. Let's have some adult discussions about information security!
x0rz @x0rz Security Researcher & Cyber Observer (pgp: 0xdd1190a656721c4a)
Alexandre Borges @ale_sp_brazil Malware Researcher. Instructor, Consultant and Speaker. LinkedIn: in/aleborges
Cindy Murphy @CindyMurph President-Gillware Digital Forensics, Madison WI - 'The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.' Helen Keller
Jakub Kroustek @JakubKroustek Malware exorcist / ɘƨɿɘvɘЯ engineer / Researcher / Avast Threat Intel lead (previously AVG). My tweets are obviously mine.
Tim Strazzere @timstrazz Mobile Security Researcher and Malware Analyst, Tweets are my own not my employers
Kyle Hanslovan @KyleHanslovan Malware Connoisseur. Ethical Hacker. CEO at @HuntressLabs. Open DMs.
Andreas Schuster @forensikblog Computer forensic geek
Willi Ballenthin @williballenthin /usr/bin/nethack

Conventions on Twitter

Twitter Name Twitter Handle Twitter Biography
DEF CON @defcon Hacking Conference
DerbyCon @DerbyCon Welcome to DerbyCon 8.0 - 'Evolution'. A southern information security conference located: Marriott Louisville. Training: Oct 3-4, 2018 Con: Oct 5-7, 2018
shmoocon @shmoocon ShmooCon 2018 is Jan 19-21. This account is used primarily to push information. Got questions? Email us at
toorcon @toorcon ratio, non res
Security BSides @SecurityBSides Expanding the spectrum of conversation one event at a time.
RSA Conference @RSAConference #RSAC: Where the world talks #security
Black Hat @BlackHatEvents The World's Premier Technical Security Conferences
DevSecCon @devseccon A conference for DevSecOps, focusing on continuously secure IT solutions.

Notable Organizations and Corporations

Twitter Name Twitter Handle Twitter Biography
Hackers For Charity @ihackcharities Connecting Hackers and Charities
The Innocent Lives @InnocentOrg We unmask anonymous online child predators to assist in bringing them to justice.
ISACA International @ISACANews A global association of 140,000 professionals, ISACA helps enterprises maximize the value of their information and technology.
SANS Institute @SANSInstitute SANS is the most trusted and by far the largest source for information & cyber security training, certification and research in the world.
(ISC)2 @ISC2 (ISC)² is an international nonprofit membership association focused on inspiring a safe and secure cyber world.
ISSA International @ISSAINTL Developing & Connecting Cybersecurity Leaders Globally

Facebook Groups

Facebook Group Additional Information
The OSCP Study Group When requesting to join the group, make sure to fill out the admission questions in order for your request to be considered.
InfoSec and IT Jobs When requesting to join the group, make sure to fill out the admission questions in order for your request to be considered.
Digital Forensics and Malware Analysis Very selective admission. When requesting to join the group, make sure to fill out the admission questions in order for your request to be considered.
Cisco Cyber Ops Study Group When requesting to join the group, make sure to fill out the admission questions in order for your request to be considered.
Defensive Security & Purple Team Group
The Scripting Guys
Hack In The Box (HITB)
Python Developers

LinkedIn Communities

LinkedIn Community Additional Information
ISACA (Official) This official ISACA group welcomes ISACA members and nonmembers to share expertise and learn about the latest IT-related business issues.
Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) Discussion Forum The ISSA is a not-for-profit, international organization of information security professionals and practitioners. Note: Membership to this LinkedIn group does not signify current membership status with the ISSA.
Governance, Risk and Compliance Management (GRC) This community is focused around the core domains of governance, risk, and compliance. Members of this group are highly respected and well-placed professionals across industry sectors from around the world.
CYBER SECURITY Forum Initiative - CSFI MISSION: To provide guidance and solutions to the private sector in the protection of critical civilian networks against cyber warfare related activities, through collaboration with universities, and the information security industry.


Convention Website Nearby Accommodations Additional Information
DEF CON Hotels in Area
DerbyCon Hotels in Area
ShmooCon Hotels in Area
ToorCon Hotels in Area
RSA Hotels in Area
Black Hat Hotels in Area
Security BSides Multiple locations.

Nerd Entertainment

I think it's fair to assume that most of us in the Information Technology, Computer Science, and Information Security industry are nerds. It's okay if you're not - but you're missing out! If you plan on hanging around the Information Security community very much at all, you'll quickly become acquainted with a term known as "Nerdcore." Even more quickly if you attend any of the conventions. No Information Security post would be complete without at least some sort of shout out to Nerdcore, and my Nerdcore friends YTCracker and Int80 (of Dual Core), and the many other talented Nerdcore artists out there.

I'll let you research this topic further, but I have to leave you with at least one link:

Good luck out there in the community, hackers. Hack all the things (as long as you have permission to do so. ;))!


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