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🔐 PassGen

Secure Password Generator & Encryption Tool

Go Version License


🚀 Features

  • 🎲 Cryptographically secure password generation
  • 🔒 XChaCha20-Poly1305 encryption
  • 🌍 Multi-language BIP39 mnemonic support
  • 📱 QR code generation and reading
  • 📋 Automatic clipboard integration
  • 📤 Pipe support for text input/output

📦 Installation

go install

# Optional: Create alias
echo 'alias pg="passgen"' >> ~/.bashrc # or zsh

🎯 Command Flags

Basic Flags

  • -l <number> - Set password length (default: random 24-28)
  • -o <file> - Save output to PNG file
  • -s <size> - Set QR code size in pixels (default: 256)

Encryption Flags

  • -e <text> - Encrypt text (requires -p)
  • -p <password> - Password for encryption/decryption
  • -d <file/text> - Decrypt from file or text

BIP39 Flags

  • -b - Generate BIP39 mnemonic (24 words by default)
  • -12 - Generate 12-word mnemonic (use with -b)

Language Flags (for BIP39)

  • -en - English wordlist (default)
  • -ru - Russian wordlist 🇷🇺
  • -jp - Japanese wordlist 🇯🇵
  • -cn - Chinese wordlist 🇨🇳
  • -fr - French wordlist 🇫🇷
  • -it - Italian wordlist 🇮🇹
  • -ko - Korean wordlist 🇰🇷
  • -es - Spanish wordlist 🇪🇸

Custom Flag

  • -c <text> - Create QR code from custom text


# Password generation
pg -l 32                    # 32-char password
pg -l 16 -o pass.png       # 16-char password with QR

# Encryption
pg -e secret -p pass   # Encrypt text
pg -d file.png -p pass   # Decrypt from file

# BIP39
pg -b                      # 24 words in English
pg -b -12 -ru             # 12 words in Russian
pg -b -jp -o seed.png     # Japanese with QR

🛠️ Usage Examples

🎲 Password Generation

# Basic password (24-28 chars)
pg -o pass.png           # Save as QR
pg -s 512 -o pass.png   # Custom QR size

# Custom length
pg -l 32
pg -l 16 -o pass.png

🔐 Encryption


# Basic encryption
pg -e secret text -p password123
pg -e secret text -p password123 -o secret.png

# Multi-word text
pg -e this is my secret text -p pass123 -o secret.png

# Using generated password from clipboard
pg -o pass.png                   # Generate and save password
pg -e secret text -p "$(xclip)" -o secret.png

# Pipe input
echo "secret text" | pg -e -p "pass123"
cat file.txt | pg -e -p "pass123" -o encrypted.png

# Custom QR sizes
pg -e "secret" -p "pass" -o large.png -s 512
pg -e "secret" -p "pass" -o huge.png -s 1024

🔓 Decryption

# From QR file
pg -d secret.png -p "pass123"

# From encrypted text
pg -d "encrypted_base64_text" -p "pass123"

# Save decrypted to file
pg -d secret.png -p "pass123" > decrypted.txt

🌍 BIP39 Mnemonic Generation

# English (default)
pg -b            # 24 words
pg -b -12        # 12 words
pg -b -o mnemonic.png

# Other languages
pg -b -ru        # 🇷🇺 Russian
pg -b -jp        # 🇯🇵 Japanese
pg -b -cn        # 🇨🇳 Chinese
pg -b -fr        # 🇫🇷 French
pg -b -it        # 🇮🇹 Italian
pg -b -ko        # 🇰🇷 Korean
pg -b -es        # 🇪🇸 Spanish

# Combined flags
pg -b -12 -ru -o mnemonic.png    # 12 Russian words with QR
pg -b -jp -s 512 -o phrase.png   # Japanese with large QR

📱 QR Code Operations

# Custom text to QR
pg -c "any text" -o qr.png
pg -c "large text" -s 512 -o qr.png

# Read from QR
pg -d qr.png

🔄 Pipeline Examples

# Generate BIP39 and encrypt with clipboard password
pg -l 32                    # Generate and copy password
pg -b -12 -o seed.png | pg -e -p "$(xclip -o)" -o backup.png

# Or using xsel
pg -b -12 -o seed.png | pg -e -p "$(xsel -b)" -o backup.png

# For macOS:
pg -b -12 -o seed.png | pg -e -p "$(pbpaste)" -o backup.png

### 🔄 Advanced Usage
# Encrypt BIP39 phrase
pg -b -12 -o seed.png | pg -e -p "pass123" -o backup.png

# Create encrypted backup
tar czf - documents/ | \
  pg -e -p "pass123" -o backup.png -s 1024

🎨 Creative Use Cases

# Secure BIP39 backup with encryption
pg -b -12 -o seed.png | pg -e -p "secret123" -o encrypted_seed.png -s 1000

# Multi-language secure backup
pg -b -12 -ru -o seed_ru.png | pg -e -p "пароль123" -o backup_ru.png
pg -b -12 -jp -o seed_jp.png | pg -e -p "パスワード" -o backup_jp.png

# Create encrypted archive with seeds
mkdir seeds/
pg -b -12 -o seeds/en.png
pg -b -12 -ru -o seeds/ru.png
pg -b -12 -jp -o seeds/jp.png
tar czf - seeds/ | pg -e -p "archive123" -o seeds_backup.png -s 2000

# Secure password sharing
pg -l 32 -o pass.png | pg -e -p "share123" -o shared_pass.png
# Recipient can decrypt with: pg -d shared_pass.png -p "share123"

🔍 Tips & Tricks

  • 🎯 Generated passwords are automatically copied to clipboard
  • 🖼️ QR codes are shown in terminal if no output file specified
  • 📋 Encrypted text is copied to clipboard for easy sharing
  • 🔄 Pipe support works with any text-producing command
  • 🎨 Custom QR sizes help with scanning distance/resolution

💡 Tips & Tricks

  • Generate and encrypt in one command using pipes
  • Use different QR sizes for different data lengths
  • Combine BIP39 languages for extra entropy
  • Store encryption keys as separate QR codes
  • Use generated passwords for encryption
  • Create multi-part backups for extra security

🏗️ Project Structure

├── cmd/
│   └── passgen/
│       └── main.go           # 🎯 Entry point
├── internal/
│   ├── bip39/               # 🎲 BIP39 implementation
│   │   ├── wordlist/        # 🌐 Language wordlists
│   │   ├── bip39.go        
│   │   └── wordlist.go     
│   ├── crypto/              # 🔒 Encryption
│   │   └── xchacha.go       # XChaCha20-Poly1305
│   ├── clipboard/           # 📋 Clipboard operations
│   ├── generator/           # 🎯 Password generation
│   └── qr/                  # 📱 QR code operations

⚙️ Requirements

  • 🔧 Go 1.23.2 or higher
  • 🐧 Unix-like system (for /dev/urandom)
  • 📋 xclip/xsel for Linux clipboard support
  • 📋 pbcopy/pbpaste for macOS clipboard support

🔒 Technical Details

Password Generation

  • Uses /dev/urandom for cryptographic randomness
  • Default length: 24-28 characters
  • Character set includes:
    • Lowercase letters (a-z)
    • Uppercase letters (A-Z)
    • Numbers (0-9)
    • Special characters (!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|;:,.<>?)

BIP39 Implementation

  • Supports 8 languages: 🇺🇸 EN, 🇷🇺 RU, 🇯🇵 JP, 🇨🇳 CN, 🇫🇷 FR, 🇮🇹 IT, 🇰🇷 KO, 🇪🇸 ES
  • 12 or 24 word phrases
  • Follows official BIP39 specification
  • Entropy: 128 bits (12 words) or 256 bits (24 words)

Encryption Details

  • Algorithm: XChaCha20-Poly1305
  • Unique salt for each encryption

QR Code Features

  • Default size: 256x256 pixels
  • Custom sizes supported
  • Supports both generation and reading
  • ASCII art display in terminal

🌟 If you find PassGen useful, please star it on GitHub!