Setup your Cairo Environment for Smart Contract development on Starknet Follow the steps to initialize your Cairo project environment
⇒ Setup Argent Account
- The easiest way to set one up is currently to use Argent X (download the chrome extension or check their repo).
- Deploy Contract to Goeli
- Get Faucet ETH Token :
- Add StarkNet Contract for Henri Tutorial :
Req : Python 3.7
sudo apt install python-dev python3-dev gcc virtualenv python3-virtualenv python3-venv
python3 -m venv ~/cairo_venv
source ~/cairo_venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
sudo apt install -y libgmp3-dev
pip3 install cairo-lang
pip3 install cairo-nile
#pip3 install contextvars if using Python 3.6
create test.cairo :
func main():
[ap] = 1000; ap++
[ap] = 2000; ap++
[ap] = [ap - 2] + [ap - 1]; ap++
Compile contract and output :
cairo-compile test.cairo --output test_compiled.json
cairo-run \
--program=test_compiled.json --print_output \
--print_info --relocate_prints --tracer
Create a contracts folder, and inside of it, a helloworld.cairo file :
# Declare this file as a StarkNet contract.
%lang starknet
from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import HashBuiltin
# Define a storage variable.
func balance() -> (res : felt):
# Increases the balance by the given amount.
func increase_balance{
syscall_ptr : felt*, pedersen_ptr : HashBuiltin*,
range_check_ptr}(amount : felt):
let (res) =
balance.write(res + amount)
return ()
# Returns the current balance.
func get_balance{
syscall_ptr : felt*, pedersen_ptr : HashBuiltin*,
range_check_ptr}() -> (res : felt):
let (res) =
return (res)
Then save it and Compile your first contract !
cd contracts
starknet-compile helloworld.cairo \
--output helloworldcontract_compiled.json \
--abi helloworldcontract_abi.json
You’ve succed, you have now the abi and compiled file ready to be pushed to network !
Add the network you want to use to the environment variable :
export STARKNET_NETWORK=alpha-goerli
Deploy your first smart contract !
starknet deploy --contract helloworldcontract_compiled.json
Gj sir !
export CONTRACT_ADDRESS="<address of the previous contract>"
- You can now interact with the functions of your Smart Contract :
starknet invoke \
--address ${CONTRACT_ADDRESS} \
--abi helloworldcontract_abi.json \
--function increase_balance \
--inputs 1234
- Check TX status
starknet tx_status --hash TXHASH
- Check TX results
starknet get_transaction --hash TXHASH
starknet get_transaction_receipt --hash TXHASH
starknet get_transaction_trace --hash TXHASH# Check emmited events
Exists 3 solutions : the CLI we’ve seen right before,
- nile (python) → Very easy (best in my opinion)
- hardhat (js)
mkdir myproject
cd myproject
nile init
✨ Cairo successfully installed!
✅ Dependencies successfully installed
🗄 Creating project directory tree
⛵️ Nile project ready! Try running:
- Compile a Smart contract using Nile
nile compile # compiles all contracts under contracts/
nile compile --directory my_contracts # compiles all contracts under my_contracts/
nile compile contracts/MyContract.cairo # compiles single contract
- Deploying a Smart Contract using Nile
nile deploy contract --alias my_contract