Telegram bot that listens to a group or to direct messages and when it detects a valid AoE 2 taunt number, replies with the taunt's audio.
- Add the bot to your Telegram group by searching for its username.
- Getting a Taunt.
- Send a valid AoE 2 taunt number as a regular message.
- Type a valid AoE 2 taunt number as a command. Ex: /8
- Use the bot inline to search for taunts to send. Ex: @aoe2_taunts_bot 8
- Use the bot inline to search for a taunt's text.
- Ex1: @aoe2_taunts_bot Build
- Ex2: @aoe2_taunts_bot Build a w
- Ex3: @aoe2_taunts_bot Build a won
From the number 1 to 105. The same as the list of AoE 2 taunts found in the fandom.
This bot is built using Python and the python-telegram-bot. The audio files are the same found in the fandom.
This bot is not affiliated or endorsed by Age of Empires 2 or its creators. The audio files used are property of Microsoft Corporation and are used only for the purpose of this bot.
Comments made as of the 27.01.23