Benchmark project for XuperUnion (and other blockchain further)
Make sure following requiremants are satisfied:
- Go (version >= 1.11)
- Network (to get depend modules)
Just make
Send pressure with single endpoint
- Prepare the environment of xuperunion
- Edit the host address of benchmark config
- Put the xbench binary into xuperunion path
- Run
bin/xbench -c conf/gen.conf
config meanings:
- gen.conf : profiling normal transfer process
- deal.conf : prepare transaction data before, profiling postTx process
- invoke.conf : profiling contract invoke process
Send pressure distributedly
- Prepare the environment of xuperunion
- Prepare a environment of Redis (accessable for all endpoint)
- Edit the host address of benchmark config
- Edit the broker(redis) address of benchmark config
- Put the xbench binary into xuperunion path (of each endpoint)
- Run
bin/xbench -worker -c conf/remote.conf
on worker endpoints - Run
bin/xbench -master -c conf/remote.conf
on master endpoint - You can edit the conf like gen/deal/invoke to test chosen process